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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1961] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 913 ZBY B B B ZBY D ZDY ZDY D D D D40 E 7 500 7 750 6 750 6 000 5 600 6 200 6 200 2 300 13 565 4 500 (216 465) 100 3 000 450 (3 550) $220 01S 24. Roger M. Mick, Assistant Professor of Psychology 25. Milton L. Rakove, Assistant Professor of Political Science 26. George A. Rheutner, Assistant Professor of Geography •fl. Madelaine Shalibi, Assistant Professor of Education.. .. 2il! Lucy C. Zaccaria, Assistant Professor of Psychology... 29, Walter B. Asch, Instructor in History 30, James W . Creaser, Instructor in Psychology 31, Daniel L, Heitel, Instructor in Psychology 32, Nan E. McGebee, Instructor in Psychology 33, Robert R. Page, Instructor in Philosophy 34 Charles P, Warren, Instructor in Anthropology 35_ . - , Instructor 36! 2.45 Full Time Equivalent Assistants Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Expense Equipment Total, Wages, Expense, and Equipment Total, Social Sciences ENGINEERING SCIENCES General Instruction Administration Salaries $ 44 310 Wages, Expense, and Equipment * 9 940 Total $ 54 250 Architecture and Art. Engineering General Engineering Physics Shop Laboratories Total, General 155 75 140 141 49 £606 Administration 340 300 770 300 215 235 9 630 5 810 7 440 12 600 6 070 $51 490 ZBY ZBY 164 970 81110 148 210 153 900 55 285 4657 725 $ 16 13 14 (44 1 5 1 530 300 460 310) 940 700 600 700 (9 940) ? 54 250 Account Number 70-15-05 1. F. W. Trezise, Associate Dean 2. Rupert M. Price, Assistant Dean Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Expense Conveodon Travel Equipment Total, Wages, Expense, and Equipment Total, Administration Architecture and Art Account Number 70-15-10 1. Harold McEldowney, Professor of Architecture and Head of Department 2. John D. McNee, Professor of A r t (Leave to be determined) 3. Canio Radice, Professor of Art 4. John F , Richardson, Professor of Art 5. Kenneth G. Shopen, Professor of A r t 6. Anthony DeFilipps, Associate Professor of Architecture '• Henry L. Mikolatczyk, Associate Professor of Architecture «. Rowland Rathbun, Associate Professor of Architecture *• John E, Walley, Associate Professor of Architecture. . 0. Edward E. Burr, Assistant Professor of A r t U. Roland F. Ginzel, Assistant Professor of Art A A A A A A A A A B B $ 12 250 10 000 10 10 10 10 000 000 000 000 10 300 9 050 9 900 8 500 7 800
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