UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962 [PAGE 2134]

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UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S , i m j M n , Bonnie S., degree, 1564 ftndccn Hazel L. S-, degree, 1122 r S e e n & Hilfinger, architectural services, Commerce Building, design, approved, 533 Education Building, contract, 341 design, approved, 533 engineering services, Orchard Downs addition, 1382


££: S 14-84 17* : £:jp fellowship,

Lundman, A. T., appointment, 819, 1719 Lundquist, Karen L„ fellowship, 1484 Lundquist, Mary D., appointment, 1970 Lundquist, Nancy N., degree, 1563 Lundy, C. J., appointment, 29, 1067 Lundy, Mary J. C , degree, 1127 Lundy, T. S., certificate, 91 Lung, Doris E., appointment, 1852 Lunnl H. N., appointment, 1474, 1653 fellowship, 154 Lunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. E., Jr., gift, 272 Lupi, F., degree, 606 Lupi, Kathryn B., appointment, 1914 Lurie, Georgia M., degree, 1568 Lurk, Janet M., appointment, 1829 Luscher, E., appointment, 186, 775, 786, 1674,



,,. ,

Luse, Janice R., degree, 1545 Luse-Stevenson Co., contract, 1421 Lusk, Carol A., degree, 603 Lusk, F. B., appointment, 28, 1067 Lusk, Martha J., appointment, 1008, 1924 Lussenhop, K. A., certificate, 1061 degree, 1127 Lustgarten, M. D., degree, 600 Lustig, N., fellowship, 298, 688 Lusz, L. D., degree, 1357 Luteinizing hormone, study, gift, 290 Luthe Garcia, R., degree, 580 Luther, Mildred M., appointment, 922, 1827 Luton, J. M., Jr., appointment, 146, 521, 1135 declination, 1145 Lutostanski, L. M., degree, 133 Lutton, W. R., resignation, 329 Lutz, G. A., degree, 1355 Lutz, Mary E., degree, 126 Lutz, R. A., degree, 592 Lutz, Richard H., degree, 607 Lutz, Robert H., certificate, 1061 Lutz, R. W., appointment, 676, 1135, 1703 Lutz, W. E., degree, 1565 Lutz, W. F., certificate, 1061 Lux, D. G., appointment, 55, 146, 394, 762, 763, 1661, 1662 declination, 1437 leave of absence, 1438 Luxton, J. VV., degree, 1356 Luzader, Mildred M., degree, 1533 Lybarger, Helen Y., appointment, 975 Lybrand, Ross Brothers, & Montgomery, employment, 453, 1429 j-yiiy, D. L , fellowship, 461, 1484 Lyell, J. S., appointment, 676 resignation, 1342 Lyke, J. B., appointment, 676, 797, 1288, 1696 Lyke, Muriel A., degree, 1118 Lykins, J. G., appointment, 993, 1907 Lyles, Irene D„ appointment, 1053, 1969 Lyman, E. M., appointment, 55, 676, 786, 1686 Lyman, Elisabeth R., appointment, 1410, 1474, 1674 Lyman, Judith A., degree, 605 Lyman, O. F., member of Citizens Committee, 337 Lyman, R. W., degree, 612 Lymphomas, cancer chemotherapeutic agents, study, gift, 289 Lynan, Lois F., appointment, 1859

Lynch, C. T., degree, 176 Lynch, Harriet B., appointment, 1011 Lynch, J. H. G., appointment, 793, 1693 Lynch, J. M., degree, 136 Lynch, Judith L., appointment, 677 degree, 600 Lynch, Judy K., degree, 1557 Lynch, Margueritte B., appointment, 745, 1644 Lynch, R. W., fellowship, 1484 Lyne, Katherine J., appointment, 1045 Lynen, J. F., appointment, 815, 1715 fellowship, 1341 leave of absence, 1377 Lynk, C. N., Jr., degree, 582 Lynn, Patricia J., appointment, 1854 Lynn, Patricia M., appointment, 219, 917, 1822 Lyon, I., appointment, 27, 1066 Lyon, R. O., appointment, 737, 1204, 1636 Lyon, Virginia H., degree, 1563 Lyon, W. C , degree, 365 Lyon, W. F., appointment, 41, 1080 Lyon-Healy, Inc., purchase, 170 Lvon Metal Products, Inc., purchase, 1096 Lyons, D., appointment, 1023, 1939 Lyons, Jessie, appointment, 991, 1905 Lyons, Margaret E., appointment, 1000, 1915 Lyons, Mary M., appointment, 44, 1083 Lysell, Linda K., appointment, 1852 Lysine nutrition of the pig, study, gift, 279 Lyster, Jo Anne, appointment, 998, 1913 Lytle, R. B., appointment, 230 Lytle, R. R., appointment, 982, 983, 1895, 1896 Lytton, D. F., appointment, 56, 428 degree, 354 resignation, 532 Ma, H. J., appointment, 396, 777 degree, 573 resignation, 1145 Maastricht, Dorothy, appointment, 1034, 1950 Mabry, Johnetta, appointment, 1040, 1956 Macabagdal, Aida, appointment, 1951 MacCallum, J. M., Jr., degree, 123 MacCarthy Ford Tractor Sales, Inc., lease, 23, 113, 172, 268, 1224, 1323, 1459 purchase, 1099 MacClay, H. S„ leave of absence, 1376 MacDonald, J. A., appointment, 1204 MacDonald, J. D., degree, 1550 MacDonald, M. J., degree, 1535 MacDonald, Mary J., appointment, 853 resignation, 1437 MacDonald, R. B., appointment, 1443, 1696 MacDougall, F. L., degree, 1563 Maceda, Emma M., degree, 579 Macek, R. D., degree, 1112 fellowship, 461 Macey, R., appointment, declination, 157 MacFarlane, R. F., appointment, 959, 1871 MacGrcgor, J. G-, degree, 176 resignation, 68 Machamer, Idabelle K-, degree, 120 Machas, R. F., degree, 608 Machen, Alice C., appointment, 1024 Machiele, D. E., fellowship, 461, 1484 Machine elements, study, contract, change, 556 Machinery, lease, 1156 Machine shed, Agronomy, purchase, 108 Machine tool, Coordinated Science Laboratory, purchase, 1098 Machnach, Wanda, appointment, 1035, 1952 Machne, Aenia, appointment, 56, 623, 879, 1784 Machnikowski, T. R., degree, 362 Macias, R., appointment, 1917 Maclntyre, J. M., appointment, 146, 817 degree, 1529 resignation, 1145 Maclntyre, Joan I., degree, 354