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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1970 [PAGE 6]

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[July 24

25. P A U L S. RIECEL, Associate Dean of Student Personnel and Assistant Professor of Higher Education, beginning August 1, 1968 ( D Y ) , at an annual salary of $16,000. 26. MICHAEL S. SHER, Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science, beginning September IS, 1968 ( W Y ) , at an annual salary of $13,000. 27. SEYMOUR SUDMAN, Associate Professor of Marketing, of Sociology, and in the Survey Research Laboratory, beginning September 1, 1968 (AY), at an annual salary of $20,000. 28. MANFRED WILLMS, Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, for the academic year 1968-69 (D), at a salary of $13,000. 29. HAROLD B. WILLSON, Visiting Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, for the academic year 1968-69 (D), at a salary of $17,000. Administrative Appointments 30. JOSEPH S. CARLSON, Director of Chicago Circle Personnel Services Office, beginning August 1, 1968 (DY), at an annual salary of $22,500. 31. LEONARD E. GOODALL, Associate Dean of Faculties and Associate Professor of Political Science, Chicago Circle, beginning September 1, 1968 (DY), at an annual salary of $19,000. 32. L. G. HERNECHECK, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, Physical Plant, Urbana campus, beginning September 1, 1968 (DY), at an annual salary of $20,500. O n m o t i o n of M r . W i l l i a m s o n , t h e s e a p p o i n t m e n t s w e r e c o n f i r m e d . SABBATICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 19 6 8 - 6 9 (8) In accordance with the provisions of the University of Illinois Statutes, I recommend that Professor Alvin S. Boyarsky, Professor of Architecture and Associate Dean of the College of Architecture and Art at Chicago Circle, be given a sabbatical leave of absence on one-half pay for the fall quarter, 1968. Professor Boyarsky has a contract with the Studio Vista/Reinhold Publishing Company to write a book in a series by internationally known authorities. The title of his book will be "The New Urbanism: A Study of the Recent Past." This recommendation is supplementary to the applications recommended to the Board of Trustees on March 20, April 17, and May 15, 1968. O n m o t i o n of M r . H a h n , t h i s l e a v e w a s g r a n t e d a s r e c o m m e n d e d . RECOMMENDATION OF THE ALL-UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS REGARDING EVALUATION OF TRANSFER CREDIT (9) The three Senates and the Senate Coordinating Council have approved a recommendation from the All-University Committee on Admissions regarding the evaluation of transfer credit as follows: It is recommended that, effective September, 1970, admission of transfer students to the University of Illinois be based only on the transfer course work which is of such a nature as to prepare students to continue on to baccalaureate degree programs (or equivalent programs). Such courses are normally referred to as transfer or college parallel work. Other course work completed, such as technical courses similar in content and level to courses taught at the University, will be used in evaluation for admission only upon the request of the college where the work was completed and the recommendation of the dean of the college to which the student seeks admission. The three Chancellors and the Executive Vice President and Provost have approved this recommendation. I concur. O n m o t i o n of M r . H a h n , t h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a p p r o v e d . TUITION WAIVERS FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS (10) Each campus of the University is making a determined effort to increase the number of "disadvantaged" students — those whose class/cultural characteristics and lack of money place them at a disadvantage in competition with the majority of the students. One of the serious limitations on this effort is the lack of adequate funds to meet the financial need of these students. To assist the University in its efforts to increase its number of disadvantaged