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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1972 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
10 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 22 Coordinated Science Laboratory and Professor of Electrical Engineering, will serve as Acting Director and Dr. Coates will be consulted on major laboratory matters. Dr. Coates will succeed Professor W. Dale Compton who has resigned from the University. The nomination of Dr. Coates is made with the advice of a search committee1 and after consultation with members of the faculty of the Coordinated Science Laboratory and the Executive Committee of the College of Engineering. This nomination is supported by the Dean of the Graduate College. The Chancellor at Urbana-Champaign approves the recommendation. The Executive Vice President and Provost concurs. I recommend approval. O n motion of D r . Walker, this appointment was approved. APPOINTMENTS TO T H E FACULTY (12) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. Positions in the University are classified in the following categories and are designated in the budget by the symbols indicated: A — indefinite tenure; P—indefinite term appointment for part-time service only; B — two years; D — one year; E — nine months from the beginning of the academic year; F — one-year appointment ending other than August 31; G —special tenure; Q — initial term appointment for a Professor or Associate Professor; T — terminal appointment, accompanied with or preceded by notice of non-reappointment; W — one-year appointment subject to special written agreement; Y — twelve months' service required instead of two semesters; X — percentages opposite X are for the academic year; full-time summer service is indicated by "S"; 1-7 — indicates the number of years of service which will be credited at the end of the contract period toward completion of the probationary period relating to tenure. Figures following a symbol indicate percentage of time if the appointment is on a part-time basis (e.g., D75 means one year on three-fourths time). Chicago Circle 1. ROBERT J. ABRAMS, Assistant Professor of Physics, beginning September 1, 1970 (1), at an annual salary of $13,000. 2. DAVID W. BAKER, Assistant Professor of Geological Sciences, beginning September 1, 1970 (1), at an annual salary of $13,500. 3. MICHAEL EDWIN JUBIEN, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, beginning September 1, 1970 (1), at an annual salary of $11,500. 4. MARVIN I. KNOPP, Professor of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1970 (A), at an annual salary of $22,000. 5. TADAO MURATA, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Department of Information Engineering, beginning September 1, 1970 (3), at an annual salary of $13,300. 6. ANTONIO PAGNAMENTA, Associate Professor of Physics, beginning September 1, 1970 (A), at an annual salary of $15,000. 7. LEROY J. PRYOR, Assistant Professor of Accounting, College of Business Administration, beginning September 1, 1970 (1), at an annual salary of $15,000. 8. ANDREW FRANK SIKULA, Assistant Professor of Management, College of Business Administration, beginning September 1, 1970 (1), at an annual salary of $13,500. 1 Nathan M.. Newmark, Professor of Civil Engineering and Head of Department, Chairman; Robert T. Chien, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory; Charles B. Duke, Professor of Physics and Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory: Marvin Frankel, Professor of Economics and Chairman of Department; Hans Frauenfelder, Professor of Physics; Petar V. Kokotovic, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Associate Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory; Franklin M. Propst, Research Associate Professor of Physics and in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and Associate Director for Planning in Computer-based Education Research Laboratory; Dominic O. Skaperdas, Senior Research Engineer in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and Associate Director of Computer-based Education Research Laboratory; H. Gene Slottow, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Associate Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory; Nelson Wax, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory; Shee-Mang Yen, Professor of Aeronautical and Aeronautical Engineering and Research Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory.
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