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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1972 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1970] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 7 Animal Science GEORGE R. B U N N , Bunn-O-Matic Corporation, 1400 Stevenson Drive, Springfield 6270S RUSSELL L. JECKEL, Jeckel's Hi-View Company, Delavan 6174S RAYMOND F . V A N POUCKE, President, Milk Specialities, Inc., Box 278, Dundee 60118 Cooperative Extension RITCHIE G. BARNETT, 130 North Water Street, Decatur 62521 HAROLD BERGMAN, 2150 West Algonquin Road, Palatine 60067 M R S . ELMER DAVIS, R. R . 1, Toulon 61483 M R S . L A V E R N E MARKS, R. R. 1, Marion 62959 M R S . CLAUDE POTTS, 316 West Eighth Street, Beardstown 62618 CHARLES WEBER, Fults 62244 Dairy Science K E I T H K I N G , Oneida 61467 Horticulture (Floriculture, Ornamentals) M. JAMES LEIDER, General Manager, M. Leider & Sons, Inc., and Vice President, Tropical Plant Rentals, Inc., 570 Standish Drive, Deerfield 60015 ERNEST A. TOSOVSKY, J R . , Vice President, H o m e Nursery Greenhouses, Inc., Box 307, Edwardsville 62025 General — This committee, composed of representatives from the departmental committees, acts in an advisory capacity to the college administration, and is asked to serve only one year: W . R o s s HOSTETTER, Agricultural Economics D E A N SEARLS, Agricultural Engineering OLLIE MYERS, Agronomy LEROY E. H A T C H , Animal Science NORMANN E . H E N K E , Dairy Science A R T H U R F . MUSCHLER, F o r e s t r y EUGENE E . H U F F M A N , Cooperative Extension G. A. GRUNDSTROM, Horticulture I concur. O n motion of M r . Swain, these appointments a n d reappointments were approved. COLLEGE O F PHYSICAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE, URBANA (6) T h e Dean of the College of Physical Education at Urbana recommends the following appointments to the Advisory Committee for the College for three-year terms ending June 30, 1973: TAMES E . BARKER, President of Stites Township Park District Board, Lovejoy MARGARET BOURNE, Supervisor of Girls' Health and Physical Education Department, Evanston Township High School, Evanston RICHARD H . FOLEY, President of the Champaign Unit 4 Board of Education, Champaign GLENA KILGORE, Supervisor of Physical Education, State Department of Public Instruction, Springfield I concur. O n motion of M r . H a h n , these appointments were approved. HEADSHIP O F T H E DEPARTMENT O F MUSIC, CHICAGO CIRCLE (7) T h e Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chicago Circle, has recommended to the Chancellor the appointment of Milan Robert Kaderavek, presenlly Associate Professor and Acting Head of the Department of Music, as Associate Professor of Music, on indefinite tenure, and Head of the Department of Music, beginning September 1, 1970, on an academic year service basis, at an annual salary of $16,000.
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