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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

986 Leaves BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 22 of Absence for Military or Other War Service ( T h e leave in each case is without pay.) H A N S P . POPPER, Instructor in Pathology, May 19 through August 31, 1944. (Army) ROBERT DINOLT, Associate in Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology, June I through August 31, 1944. ( A r m y ) NATHAN M. NEWMARK, Research Professor of Civil Engineering, for six months from July 19, 1944, for special confidential assignment with the Army under the Office of Field Service, Office of Scientific Research and Development. This work is of extreme urgency and military importance. LUCY JANE COE, Junior Clerk-Typist in Agricultural Administration, July 1 through August 31, 1944, staff director of Army and Navy Branch of the National Council of the Y.M.C.A. ( U S O ) war program. On motion of M r s . Grigsby, these leaves were granted as recommended. ADMINISTRATION OF ILLINOIS ACCOUNTANCY ACT OF 1 9 4 3 (4) In order to carry out the University's responsibilities in the administration of the Accountancy Act passed by the General Assembly of Illinois and approved July 22, 1943, the Committee on Accountancy recommends adoption of the following regulations. These include the regulations for the administration of the previous act relating to Certified Public Accountants which have been modified to correlate them with the administration of the new provisions of the present law. It is proposed to publish these regulations in a bulletin along with the complete text of the Accountancy Act. 1 present these to the Board of Trustees for approval. On motion of Mr. Fornof, these regulations were adopted as recommended. THE UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS THE UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTANCY 1. T h e supervision of all matters under the law shall be in the hands of a committee under the immediate supervision of the President of the University, consisting of the Registrar and two other members of the University staff, to be appointed by the President. 2. This Committee shall receive all applications for examinations under Section 2 of the Act and shall issue to approved applicants cards of admission to the examination, and no candidate shall be examined who does not present to the Board of Examiners, at the time and place of examination as advertised, such card of admission, signed by the Registrar. 3. This Committee shall appoint the times and places of examination under Section 2 and shall advertise the same according to the provisions of the law. 4. This Committee shall receive from the Board of Examiners the questions to be used at the examinations under Section 2, and shall print and distribute these examination questions to the examining board in time for conducting the examinations as advertised. 5. This Committee shall receive the reports of the examinations under Section 2, from the Board of Examiners, and shall certify to the President the successful candidates. 6. This Committee shall receive all applications for the C.P.A. certificate filed under Sections 4 and 5 of the Act, and shall examine all evidence submitted by such applicants in support of their applications. 7. This Committee shall certify to the Special Board of Five Examiners for oral or written examination all applicants who are found to be properly qualified under Section 4, paragraph b, of the Act. 8. This Committee shall receive from the Special Board of Five Examiners the reports of the standing of the candidates who have taken the oral or written examinations prescribed in Section 4, paragraph b, of the Act and shall certify the successful candidates to the President for the C.P.A. certificate. 9. This Committee shall receive and certify all statements of expenses and fees of the Boards of Examiners.
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