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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
984 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Salary [June 22 18. Mrs. J o y B. Phillips, Assistant in Physiology (}4 time, first 8 weeks) 19. Gertrude T . Rafferty, Assistant in Zoology (J4 time, second 8 weeks) 20. Dorothy N . Jones, Assistant in Zoology {x/i time, first 8 weeks) Grand Total 165 00 165 00 165 00 8 370 80 $234 663 46 ADVISORY BOARD O N AERONAUTICS (2) On March 14, 1044 (Minutes, page 905), the Board of Trustees authorized the appointment of D r . Baldwin M. Woods, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, as consultant on aeronautics and Chairman of the Advisory Board on Aeronautics for the period January I through December 31, 1944. Doctor Woods has accepted a n d has been serving in that capacity. W i t h his assistance t h e University has been able to secure t h e services of the following men on the Advisory Board on Aeronautics: D r . Baldwin M. Woods, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley 4, California (Chairman) ; Commander Allan F . Bonnalie, Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department, Washington 25, D.C. (formerly Assistant Executive Vice-President of Operations, United A i r Lines Transport Corporation) ; Dr. Bruce Uthus, Director, Aviation Education Service, Civil Aeronautics Administration, Washington 25, D.C.; Mr. W . J. Blanchard, General Manager, Aeroproducts Division, General Motors Corporation, Municipal Airport, Dayton, O h i o ; Colonel A. D. Tuttle, Medical Director, United A i r Lines Transport Corporation, United Air Lines Building, Municipal Airport, Chicago, Illinois; Mr. L. R. Inwood, Executive Assistant, Transcontinental and Western Air, Incorporated, Kansas City, Missouri; M r . A. E. Smith, Chief Engineer, Pratt Whitney Corporation of Missouri, Kansas City, Missouri; a n d M r . William K, Ebel, Vice-President of Engineering, T h e Glenn L. Martin Company, Baltimore, Maryland. In my opinion the University is extremely fortunate in having the services of these men of long experience in aviation. They a r e representative of various aeronautical interests—manufacturers of aircraft, manufacturers of aircraft engines and accessories, executives of air transportation lines, and research and education in aeronautics. T h e first meeting of this Board will be held on Friday, June 30, beginning at 10 a.m., at the University Club in Chicago. A t least six of the eight members of the Advisory Board have indicated they will attend, and it is possible that one other will come. Several University officials will meet with the Advisory Board to discuss t h e development of plans for the University's program for education and research in aeronautics. On motion of Mr. Davis, this Advisory Board was approved and the Presi; dent of the University was authorized to request the Chicago Association of Commerce to nominate an additional member. T h e Executive Committee adjourned. H. E. CUNNINOHAM Clerk P A R K LIVINGSTON, CHESTER R. D A V I S Chairman MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT WILLARD T h e Board considered the following matters presented by the President of t h e University. APPOINTMENT O F DR. GRANVILLE ALLISON BENNETT AS PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY AND HEAD OF DEPARTMENT (1) A recommendation from t h e Dean of the College of Medicine that Dr. Granville Allison Bennett be appointed Professor of Pathology and H e a d of the Department in t h e College of Medicine on indefinite tenure at a salary of $10,000 a year beginning July I, 1944. This appointment has been recommended
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