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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
960 PRESIDENT A. C. W I L L A R D : BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 1 May 30, 1944 I thought you might like to report to the Board of T r u s t e e s at their T h u r s day meeting that the official o r d e r to proceed with construction of the Airport has been issued by the Civil Aeronautics Administration to the contractors. T h e effective date is Wednesday morning, May 31, 1944. I n anticipation of the issuance of the order, the contractors have completed about 50% of the excavation of the eastern drainage ditch, and have progressed rapidly in making preparations for actual grading of the N W - S E runway. Construction of the railroad spur by the contractors is already started and considerable grading has been completed. j j _ 'DOLAND Supervising Engineer This report w a s received for record, and the matter of selecting a time for a p p r o p r i a t e dedicatory ceremonies w a s r e f e r r e d to the Committee on Geneal P o l i c y a n d t h e P r e s i d e n t of the U n i v e r s i t y . C O N T R A C T S E X E C U T E D BY T H E C O M P T R O L L E R MARCH 9 T O MAY 2 6 , 1 9 4 4 (22) T h e Comptroller's report of contracts executed. Amount to be With Whom American Iron and Steel Institute Chicago Bridge and Iron Company Insulite Division of Minnesota and Ontario Paper Company Lederle Laboratories National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics National Dairy Council Office of Scientific Research and Development Office of Scientific Research and Development Ruhm Phosphate and Chemical Company U. S. Navy U. S. Coast Guard Purpose Investigation of reinforced concrete footings Investigation of thermal stresses due to welding Investigation of insulation board for hog housing Holocaine investigation Restricted research Research in calcium metabolism of adolescent children OEM-426—studies of penicillin in treatment of compound fractures OEM-439—secret contract received by the University #20 000 0 0 5 400 0 0 Date April 17, 1044 April 16, 1944 [000 00 M a r c h 6, 1044 <325 00 (in I products) F e b r u a r y 19, 1944 1 200 00 M a r c h 29, 1944 8 000 00 8 200 0 0 5 500 00 2 500 00 April 25, 1944 F e b r u a r y 23, 1944 M a y 4, 1944 With Whom Cardox Corporation Cornelie Seed Company E. N. DeAtley E. N. DeAtley E. N. DeAtley L. B. Hanna Illinois Bell Telephone Company King and Petry Niles Steel Products Division of Republic Steel Corporation M a y 23, 1944 3 000 0 0 Studies of rock phosphate in crop production Training for navy men in medicine Various amounts July 1, 1943 and dentistry stated in contract Tests on crack arrestors 6 006 88 February 28, 1944 Amount to be paid by the University Purpose Date $3 000 00 00 Subcontract to OEM-102 $3 April 11, 1944 None Introduction to the public of a new April 1, 1944 variety of popcorn (Illinois Hullless) Remodeling of room 101 and 208a in 1 706 50 February 16, 1944 Administration Building Added partitions around stairs and 408 75 February 17. 1944 rooms in Sanitary Engineering Laboratory Alterations to rooms $0 and 70 in 852 00 May I T , 1944 New Agriculture Building Erection of storage and feeding barn 2 000 00 April 20, 1044 on Wright farm No. 4 Additional exchange equipment in Established April i, 1944 Chicagg departments rates Minor alterations in rooms 113a, 2 360 40 March 9, 1944 125a,and i67of NoyesLaboratory Purchase agreement in connection 21 000 00 February 22, 1944 with OEM-102
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