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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

950 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June i 2. Paper supplies for Agricultural Extension and Office Supply Storeroom as follows: For Agricultural Extension: 10,000 reams 8% x ioj£—16 lb. substance No. 4 sulphite mimeo bond For Office Supply: 9,000 reams 8}i x lo££—16 lb. substance No. 4 sulphite mimeo bond 500 reams 8^4 x 11—16 lb. substance No. 4 sulphite mimeo bond 125 reams 22 x 34—32 lb. No. 4 sulphite mimeo bond T h e orders to be placed as follows: Blunden-Lyon Co 10,000 reams 8 j ^ x 1 0 ^ $3,427.20 Dwight Bros 9,000 reams 8% x 1 0 ^ | 500 reams 8^4 x 11 } 3,583.48 125 reams 22 x 34 J On motion of Mr. Jensen, these purchases were authorized. UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL PLACEMENT BUREAU IN CHICAGO (13) As reported to the Board on April 8 (Minutes, page 929), the Mini Club of Chicago has requested that the University establish a personnel placement bureau in Chicago to serve alumni and students. This proposal was discussed with officers of the Illini Club of Chicago on April 27 following the regular luncheon meeting of the Club. Present at this conference were Messrs. Livingston and Davis of the Board of Trustees and the President of the University. It was suggested by Mr. Davis that this matter be referred to the special committee of the Board appointed January 26, 1944, to consider the scope and functions of the University of Illinois Foundation and its relationship to the Board of Trustees, which Committee was subsequently authorized to include in its study the relationship of the Alumni Association to the Foundation and to the University. O n m o t i o n of M r . J e n s e n , t h i s m a t t e r w a s r e f e r r e d t o t h e s p e c i a l committee as recommended. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (14) The Quarterly Report of the Comptroller to the Board of Trustees as at March 31, 1944. Mr. Morey commented on this report. This report was received for record. RELEASE OF PATENTABLE DISCOVERIES (15) The University, through its Engineering Experiment Station and the State Geological Survey Division, is conducting a research investigation of bonding clay properties which is sponsored by the Illinois Clay Products Company of Joliet, Illinois. On June 19, 1943 (Minutes, page 394), the Board approved a recommendation from the Faculty Committee on Patents that "the Illinois Clay Products Company, on payment of the entire cost of applying for and securing a patent, be given free use of the patent as a non-exclusive licensee, the sponsor agreeing that in case other persons, firms, or corporations are licensed, such licensee shall pay the University a royalty which in the opinion of the University is fair to the sponsor and to the public; it is understood that the sponsor will keep the University informed as to when an application for a patent is filed and of any action thereon in the United States Patent Office." T h e Committee now recommends that the discovery be released entirely to the discoverers (Messrs. R. E. Grim and F . L. Cuthbert of the State Geological Survey, and W . H . Allaway of the Department of Mechanical Engineering), and to permit the Illinois Clay Products Company to finance such applications as the discoverers wish to file. This recommendation is based on information received from the Company that the discovery, if put into actual use would infringe the Ralston Patent No. 2320009, recently issued to A r m o u r & Company of Chicago. Inasmuch as the discovery does not appear to have gone
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