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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I944] PARHAM, W I L L I A M UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS EUGENE, Assistant in Chemistry—resignation Assistant in Chemistry—resignation 893 effective effective February I, 1944. POWERS, ROBERT WILLIAM, February 1, 1944. PYLE, CLAUD A U S T I N , Assistant in Physics, in the College of Engineering— resignation effective March 1, 1944. REED, LESTER JAMES, Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective February 1, 1944. REITSEMA, ROBERT H., Fellow in Chemistry—resignation effective February 1, 1944ROBINSON, ALEXANDER JACOB, Assistant Psychometrist and Research As- sistant in the Personnel Bureau—resignation effective March 1, 1944. SCAG, DANE, Assistant in Physics, in the College of Engineering—resignation effective February 1, 1044. SEARS, GERALD WILLIAM, Instructor in Chemistry—resignation effective February 1, 1944. SOPER, QUENTIN FRANCIS, Special Research Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective February 1, 1944. SPEZIALE, A. JOHN, Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective February 1, 1944SPRAY, M R S . BARBARA O., Junior Medical Technologist in the Department of Bacteriology and Public Health, in the College of Medicine—cancellation effective September 1, 1943. TOUSTER, OSCAR, Special Research Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective February I, 1944. WALKER, R U T H , Assistant Clerk-Typist in the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics—resignation effective January 25, 1944. WILLIAMS, M R S . MARJORIE M., Junior Clerk-Stenographer in the Department of Entomology—resignation effective February 16, 1944. WINKLER, PAUL WALTER, Junior Library Assistant in the Catalog Department of the Library—resignation effective March I, 1944. W Y M A N , FLAVIUS WEBB, Assistant in Chemistry—resignation effective February 1, 1944. The Board adjourned. H. E. CUNNINGHAM PARK LIVINGSTON Secretary President
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