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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1944] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS In In English Philosophy Science 88l W H I T N E Y ELMER S M I T H , A.B., 1936; J.D., University of Chicago, 1938 OMAR GORDON OTTERNESS, A.B., 1940 In Social MARY L E E BAKER, A.B., 1928 Degree of Master of Science In Chemistry CARL DRURRY DEBORD, B.S., 1041 JOHN SAWYERS M E E K , A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1041 W I L L I A M EUGENE PARHAM, B.S., Southern Methodist University, 1943 DAVID HADLEY READ, B.S., Seattle College, 1942 J O H N E R I C WILSON, B.S., University of Chicago, 1941 In Civil Engineering YAO-YUNG H U , B.S., Hangchow Christian College, 1941; M.S., University of Michigan, 1942 L I N - Y A O HUANG, B.S., Hangchow Christian College, 1941; M.S., University of Michigan, 1942 In Economics T A M E I L I N , B.S., University of Communication, 1929 YING L U N W u , B.S., University of Communication, 1928 In Education FRANCES MILLIKEN FRYE, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1040 JOE CALVIN GREESON, B.Ed., Eastern Illinois State Teachers College, 1933 BEN ORAN PROPECK, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1938 CECIL EDGAR SMITH, B.Ed., Eastern Illinois State Teachers College, 1939 GEORGIA MILDRED STEWART, A.B., Bradley Polytechnic Institute, 1939 THOMAS LOUIS TEMPLETON, B.S., 1934 LUCILE HELTON W I E S E , B.S., 1943 ROLAND WALTER ZIMMER, B.S., 1939 In W I L L I S EVERETT SNOW, A.B., 1942 Entomology In Library Science ROSE FULTON CRAMER, B.S., Southeast Missouri State Teachers College, 1939; B.S.(Lib.), 1940 In Mathematics JEWELL E M M A SCHUBERT, B.S., N o r t h w e s t e r n University, 1936 In Physics HAROLD H E N R Y BLOEM, A.B., H a s t i n g s College, 1942 SAMUEL BRADLEY BURSON, A.B., Stanford University, 1940 LUTHER LEO LOWRY, B.S., University of Utah, 1942 ANDREW W I L L I A M SUNYAR, A.B., Albion College, 1942 In Zoology NORMAN AUGUST MEINKOTH, B.Ed., Southern Illinois Normal University, 1938 COLLEGE OF LAW Degree of Bachelor of Science In Law JEANETTE LOUISE STAFFORD
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