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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
880 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 24 GRADUATE S C H O O L D e g r e e of D o c t o r of P h i l o s o p h y In Agronomy L I E N - C H I E H L I , B.S., Yenching University, 1932; M.S., University of Tennessee, 1041 In Animal Nutrition JOSEPH BERNSOHN, B.S., Brooklyn College, 1938; M.S., 1940 In Bacteriology VERA MATILDA H A N A W A L T , A.B., Milwaukee-Downer College, 1935; M.S., 1940 MORRIS THOMPSON JONES, A.B., M.S., 1940, 1941 In Chemistry ROBERT W I L S O N EYLER, B.S., Monmouth College, 1940 HAROLD ALVIN F I E S S , B.S., W h e a t o n College, 1939; M.S., 1942 P H I L I P COLONY JOHNSON, B.S., University of N e w H a m p s h i r e , 1940 BIUTILL ARTHUR LLOYD, B.S., 1930; A.M., University of T o r o n t o , 1934 WILMER R A Y MANNING, B.E., Tulane University, 1939 FRED WALTER SPANGLER, A.B., C a r t h a g e College, 1940; M.S., 1942 NORMAN KARL SUNDHOLM, B.S., University of Minnesota, 1941 W I L L I A M ELDRED WALLACE, B.S., University of Wichita, 1940; M.S., 1942 FLAVIUS W E B B W Y M A N , B.S., Murray State Teachers College, 1937,' M.S., University of Kentucky, 1939 In Engineering A H M E T M U N C I OZELSEL, B.S., Robert College, 1939; M.S., 1941 In Physics HERMAN W I L L I A M KOCH, B.S., Queens College, 1941; M.S., 1942 In Psychology DOROTHY ELOISE CLIFTON, A.B., University of Kentucky, 1934; A.M., Ohio State University, 1935 In Zoology VIVIAN SWEIBEL S M I T H , A.B., H u n t e r College, 1040; A.M., 1941 Professional Degrees Degree of Master of Education HAMILTON STERLING LITTLEPAGE, B.S., E u r e k a College, 1924 D e g r e e of M a s t e r of A r t s In Chemistry FRED EKSKINE WOODWARD, A.B., D a r t m o u t h College, 1943 In Classics CARROLL EUGENE SIMCOX, A.B., University of North Dakota, 1933; B.D., Oberlin College, 1936 In Economics DONALD MARION FORT, A.B., Grinnell College, 1938 In Education NORMAN W . BECK, B.Ed., Southern Illinois Normal University, 1939 RAYNOLD PETER BERTRAND, A.B., St. Procopius College, 1940 KATHRYN BOWERS DOUBET, B.S., 1933 M A E M. EHRHART, B.Ed., Western Illinois State Teachers College, 1929 RALPH MILLER ESPY, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1927 GEORGINE MARY H E S S , A.B., Clarke College, 1936 MARY ALLEGRA STIFF, B.Ed., Southern Illinois Normal University, 1939
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