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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1944] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 865 more extended research with better laboratory controls is needed to further this work. Hence, the proposal for a Physical Fitness Research Laboratory is made as one of the most strategic moves to advance the professional work in physical education." T h e program contemplates four phases or units of physical fitness research, viz: (1) research unit on cardiac involvement of various type exercises; (2) research unit on physique and body type related to physical fitness; (3) research unit on respiratory fitness; (4) research unit on ultraviolet radiation related to aspects of physical fitness. T h e program has been endorsed by the Dean of the Graduate School, and the Executive Dean of the Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy, from the standpoint of sound research and professional standards. Following is a summary of the costs of equipment and building changes required to provide the facilities necessary. No new operating funds will be required: Cardiac involvement of various type exercises $2 950 Physique and body type related to physical fitness 1 000 Respiratory fitness tests 720 Ultraviolet radiation 700 Miscellaneous fund 300 Permanent laboratory fittings (cabinets, shelving) 1 000 Building changes (based on estimates of Physical P l a n t ) 1 000 Total $7 670 I recommend that this program be authorized and that an appropriation of $7,670 be made from the General Reserve Fund for this purpose. O n m o t i o n of D r . M e y e r , t h i s p r o g r a m w a s a u t h o r i z e d , a n d t h e appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, M r . Davis, M r . Fornof, Mr. Jensen, M r . Livingston, Dr. Luken, Mr. McKelvey, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Nickell; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Green, M r s . Grigsby, M r . Karraker. APPROPRIATION FOR INVENTORY RECORD SYSTEM (8) At the meeting of the Board on May 24, 1943 (Minutes, page 361), an appropriation of $2,850 was made to the Comptroller's Office for modernizing and improving the inventory record of movable equipment. T h e Comptroller is required, under University Statutes, to maintain a suitable record of all such property. In the operating budget for 1943-1944 the organization for this work was also expanded to provide for an inventory supervisor and additional clerical personnel. T h e Comptroller's Office was able to secure a member of the staff of the Department of Business Organization and Operation as a supervisor because his services were not needed for the current year. The system has been worked out and tested. There remains an unencumbered balance of approximately $1,000 in the original appropriation, but it is evident that this will not be sufficient to complete the entire conversion which has taken more time and more mechanical cost than was originally anticipated. It is estimated that an additional $2,000 will be necessary to complete the conversion, after which the system should operate continuously within the provisions made for it in the operating budget. The Comptroller, therefore, requests an addition of $2,000 to the original appropriation of $2,850 for a revision of the inventory record system of movable equipment. I recommend that this appropriation be made from the General Reserve Fund. T h e Comptroller explained this request. O n m o t i o n of M r . N i c k e l l , t h i s a p p r o p r i a t i o n w a s m a d e , by t h e following vote: Aye, M r . Davis, M r . Fornof, M r . Jensen, M r . Livingston, Dr. L u k e n , M r . McKelvey, Dr. Meyer, M r . Nickell; no, n o n e ; absent, Mr. Green, M r s . Grigsby, M r . Karraker.
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