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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1944] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 863 THOMAS E R W I N P H I P P S , Professor of Physical Chemistry, for eleven months beginning March 1, 1944. (Research at the Metallurgical Laboratory of the University of Chicago, directly contributing- to the war effort.) JOHN B. WINGERT, Assistant Professor and Assistant Chief in Floriculture, February 13 through August 31, 1044. ( N a v y ) E. KENNETH MUSSON, Instructor in Bacteriology and Public Health, College of Medicine, February 1 through August 31, 1944. ( A r m y ) MRS. ELLEN L. FABERT, Senior Clerk-Stenographer, Forestry Department, March 12 through August 31, 1944. (Red Cross) On motion of Mr. Davis, these leaves were granted as recommended. SERVICES OF PROFESSOR J O H N A. FAIRLIE (3) Dr- John A. Fairlie, Professor of Political Science, Emeritus, who retired September I, 1941 (under the old Retirement System), has been asked to make a study for the American Council of Learned Societies of the administration of the Cultural Projects of the W o r k s Progress Administration in Washington. The materials for this are in government offices in Washington. The service will involve half-time work for a period of from three to six months for which he will receive a salary of $250 a month. Since Professor Fairlie's services are not needed by the University of Illinois, I have authorized him to accept this commission in Washington on the salary indicated and to continue receiving his retirement allowance subject to final approval by the Board of Trustees. This advance authorization was given first because Professor Fairlie had to give an answer before the next meeting of the Board, and second, because the Board on two previous occasions authorized him to accept a limited teaching position at Ohio State University and to receive his retiring allowance from the University of Illinois. O n m o t i o n of M r . F o r n o f , t h e a c t i o n of t h e P r e s i d e n t in a u t h o r izing this e m p l o y m e n t w a s a p p r o v e d a n d confirmed. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS (4) On February 21, 1941 (Minutes, page 195), the Board established ten scholarships to be awarded annually to students from Central and South American countries. On April 22, 1042 (Minutes, page 841), the Board modified this plan by authorizing the award of these scholarships to students from any countries friendly to the United States. They entitle the holders to exemption from matriculation and tuition fees for a period of four years. T h e plan was authorized on a two-year trial basis, and the time limit on awarding these scholarships will expire at the end of the current academic year. During 1942-1943 six of these scholarships were awarded, of which four are still in use. For the current academic year the limit of ten scholarships was awarded, so that there are now fourteen in use—ten are held by South American students and four by Chinese. T h e University Committee on Special Undergraduate Scholarships recommends that these scholarships for foreign students be continued for an indefinite period under the present conditions, namely, that up to ten four-year scholarships may be awarded annually to students from countries friendly to the United States. I concur. O n m o t i o n of D r . M e y e r , t h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a d o p t e d . CERAMIC ENGINEERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE (5) Mr. E. F. Plumb, President of the Streator Brick Company, Streator, Illinois, has been recommended for appointment on the Advisory Committee for the Department of Ceramic Engineering to succeed the late Mr. F . W. Butterworth of Danville. I concur, and I recommend that the entire committee, as listed below, be appointed for one year from January 1, 1044: E. H. HAEGER, Haeger Potteries, Inc., Dundee. FRANK HODEK, JR., General Porcelain Enameling and Manufacturing Company, 2700 North Karlov Avenue, Chicago. 0 . L. JONES, Illinois Clay Products Company, 214 Barber Building, Joliet.
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