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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

862 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 24 MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT W1LLARD The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE DURING 1 9 4 4 - 1 9 4 5 ( i ) A recommendation that the following members of the faculty be given sabbatical leaves of absence during the academic year 1944-1945 in accordance with the provisions of the University Statutes, for one-half year, the first semester, on full pay: Assistant Professor Stanley Fletcher, School of Music; Professor J. W . Albig, Department of Sociology; Professor V . E. Shelford, Department of Zoology. In each case the head of the department and the Dean have stated that provision will be made by the department for carrying on the work of the absentee without additional expense to the University. On motion of Mr. Davis, these leaves were granted as recommended. LEAVES O F ABSENCE (2) A recommendation that the following leaves of absence be granted members of the staff for the reasons and periods and under the conditions indicated in each case, which are in accordance with the regulations of the Board governing such leaves: A. MARIE ANDERSON, Associate in Art, leave of absence without pay from February 1, 1944, and continuing indefinitely on account of illness. Miss Anderson has previously received the full amount of leave with pay or without pay to which she is entitled under University regulations. She is now eligible to receive disability benefits from the University Retirement System. HERMAN BERNARD DORNER, Professor of Floriculture in the Department of Horticulture, sick leave with full pay from November 9, 1943, through February 29, 1044, or as much thereof as may be necessary. H i s work is being carried on by the Department of Horticulture without additional expense to the University. NATHAN M. NEWMARK, Professor of Civil Engineering, sick leave with full pay from February 5 through February 29, 1944, or as much thereof as may be necessary. H i s work is being carried on by the members of the Department of Civil Engineering without additional expense to the University. WILHELMINA MURPHY, Assistant Dietitian in the Research and Educational Hospitals Dietary Department, sick leave without pay from January 1 through April 30, 1944. BEST YOUNG, Sub-Foreman in the Physical Plant Department, sick leave with pay from December 28, 1943, through February 29, 1044. VERGIEALENA COOK, Maid at the Illini Union, sick leave without pay from December 17, 1943, through January 31, 1944. RUSSELL HOWSER, Driver in the Physical Plant Department, leave without pay from January 12, 1944, through January 12, 1945, to permit him to accompany his wife out of town on account of her health. EDWARD J. KREJCI, Examiner in the Admitting Clinic, College of Dentistry, sick leave with full pay from February 20 through March 20, 1944. Provision will be made for his work without additional expense to the University. MRS. IDA SKINNER, Occupational Therapist and Teacher of Occupational Therapy, leave without pay from November 3, 1943, through August 31, 1944. of Absence for Military and Other War Service ( T h e leave in each case is without pay.) WALTER EMERSON GAMBLE, Meat Cutter, Department of Animal Husbandry, February 1 through August 31, 1944. ( N a v y ) ROBERT E. MADDOCK, Farm Laborer, Department of Dairy Husbandry, December 16, 1942, through August 31, 1944. (Navy) PAUL L. SCHROEDER, Professor of Criminology, Social Hygiene, and Medical Jurisprudence and H e a d of the Department, and Director of the Institute for Juvenile Research; also Professor of Psychiatry; indefinite leave from January 20, 1944. ( A r m y ) Leaves
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