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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

848 BOAKD OF TRUSTEES [January 26 ( h ) T h e University agrees that if requested to do so by the W a r Department or Navy Department, at any time during a national emergency declared by the President, it will lease the landing area of the Airport to the Government for military or naval use, at a nominal rental, for a term of one year, renewable annually at the option of the Government for such period as the Government may designate; provided, that the lease shall contain an express stipulation that its term shall not exceed the duration of the national emergency and six months thereafter unless an extension thereof is approved by the Administrator. Such lease shall also contain a covenant on the part of the Government to permit, by instruments in writing, use of the leased premises by commercial, private, and other non-military aircraft to the extent possible without interfering with military operations, and to bear all of the expense of maintaining and keeping in good repair the leased premises and all improvements and facilities thereon, other than that proportion of the cost of such maintenance for which the University assumes responsibility under Section i ( e ) hereof. T h e University further agrees that during all times that the landing area of the Airport is not held by the Government under lease the Government shall have the right to use such area in common with others, without charge, to the extent possible without requiring limitation of non-military operations. (i) The University has been requested to acquire certain parcels of land in addition to those already owned in fee simple and so certified in this resolution and the University agrees that in addition to the lands to which it has title in fee simple as described in subdivision (a) of Section 2 hereof, it will with all reasonable speed and dispatch acquire the following described lands, to wit: The Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 3 ; A rectangular tract of approximately one acre out of the Southeast Corner of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10; and T h e Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10; All of the above being in Township 18 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian. T h e above described lands comprise a relatively small part of the total land necessary for this project and the University has been advised that the project may be started without these lands. The University is now in the process of acquiring said above described lands and said University will proceed as rapidly as possible with the acquisition thereof, to the end that they will be acquired at the earliest possible date, and that when the fee simple title to said lands has been acquired that this resolution will be modified to include the same, being all of the land necessary for the completion of the project. Section 2. In order to satisfy the Government that the University is qualified to sponsor the project under the project eligibility requirements of the Civil Aeronautics Administration and to induce the Government to proceed with the project in accordance with the offer made by the University in Section 1 hereof, the University does hereby represent and warrant to the Government as follows: ( a ) T h e University has title in fee simple to all lands comprising the landing area of the Airport and to all lands to be improved under the project, which lands are shown on the sketch attached hereto as a part of Exhibit "A" except the following lands which the University has been requested to acquire, to wit: The Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 3 ; A rectangular tract of approximately one acre out of the Southeast Corner of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10; and T h e Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10; All of the above being in Township 18 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian. and that said lands except the above described tracts are held by the University free from any lien, lease, easement, or other encumbrance, except the right of former owners and present tenants in possession to remain in possession until March 1, 1944 for removal of growing crops, fences and certain buildings or to occupy residences located thereon.
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