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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 [PAGE 842]

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The Physical Plant Department requests that the temperature control equipment be purchased from C. A. Dunham Company, at its quoted prices, for reasons given in the memorandum submitted with this recommendation. The Comptroller recommends and I concur: (1) That an appropriation of $3,000 be made for equipment and construction in the Men's Residence Hall, from the Residence Hall Reserve. (2) That the purchase of one Dunham Three Zone Temperature Control System, from the Mid-State Engineering Company, C. A. Dunham Company representatives, at its quoted price of $1,738.86 delivered, be approved.

On motion of Mr. Karraker, these recommendations were approved and the appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Jensen, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McKelvey; no, none; absent, Mr. Green, Dr. Luken, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Nickell.

IMPROVEMENTS IN GREGORY HALL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYING BUILDING (9) The following is a schedule of bids received on Wednesday, January 12, 1944, for (1) installation of a sewer line, ejector pump, and a sink in the basement of the Civil Engineering Surveying Building, and (2) installation of a new partition and related work in Room 309, Gregory H a l l : Bidder C.E.S.B. Gregory Hall Corkery & Siems £665 £1,804 E. N. DeAtley 625 1,464 T h e first item was requested by Dean Newcomb as essential to the work in the new Curriculum in Occupational Therapy, the first five semesters of which are given in the College of Fine and Applied Arts. T h e second item was considered by the Committee on Special Appropriations and Non-Recurring Expenditures, and was approved by that Committee subject to check as to cost. The alteration has been requested by the College of Education to provide a laboratory observation room for work in educational psychology. The Physical Plant Department recommends and the Comptroller concurs in the award of a contract to the lowest bidder, E. N. DeAtley. An additional $50 will be needed to cover architectural supervision and expense for the Engineering Surveying Building project, and $161 will be required for similar services in connection with the work in Room 309, Gregory Hall, both sums in addition to the total bid of E. N. DeAtley ($2,089), making a total of $2,300, Funds are available in an unexpended balance from State capital appropriations for 19411943, refunded by the United States Navy. Priorities have been received on both these projects, so that the work can proceed if and when a contract is awarded. I recommend approval. O n m o t i o n of M r s . G r i g s b y , t h i s c o n t r a c t w a s a u t h o r i z e d . A t this point, D r . L u k e n took his place with the B o a r d . WORKING F U N D FOR WRIGHT FARMS (10) Professor J. B. Andrews, who has been placed in charge of the operation of the Wright Farms, reports through Dean Rusk that certain funds will be needed for necessary expenditures before income can be realized. If any cash is received from the estate such money could be used for a working fund. In the meantime, an assignment from the General Reserve is requested. It is estimated that in the near future, before any income can be secured, the University's share of the purchase of feeding animals, feed, seed, necessary repairs, taxes, and incidental operating expenses, will equal or exceed $12,000. This figure does not include an estimated amount of $8,250 for purchase, from the estate, of landlord share of feed and equipment now on certain of these farms. If money is available to the University from the estate an allowance for this item can be made in final settlement, otherwise payment for it will have to be made at a later date.