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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

838 BOABD OF TRUSTEES [January 26 One other matter should be explained in connection with these recommendations. T h e Rehabilitation Committee defined "veteran" in a broad sense, to include all students who have engaged in war industry. T h e Educational Policy Committee was of the opinion, and the Senate agreed, that no satisfactory distinction can be made between civilian students who have gone into war industry and those who may have been kept at home or away from college for other reasons. Nor did it seem likely to the Committee on Educational Policy that civilian "veterans" will present problems of the complexity to be expected from armed service veterans. Accordingly, the Committee was of the opinion that the Division of Special Services should either be open to all qualified students, or should be restricted to those returning from the armed services. T o follow the first plan would be equivalent to establishing a kind of University College. Such a proposal lies outside the scope of the problem as presented to the Educational Policy Committee, and would require long and detailed study, and it therefore proposed restricting the operation of the Division to men and women of the armed services. I concur in the recommendations of the Senate. In my judgment it has presented a plan and organization for an educational program of University grade designed to meet the needs and desires of returning war veterans. It has the necessary flexibility to deal effectively and, what is equally important, promptly with a variety of complex individual problems. While it may require amendment from time to time in the light of experience, in principle, and in fundamental ground work, it is sound, progressive educational legislation. In my judgment it will place the University of Illinois in a leading position in providing a service for men and women who deserve the best that can be given them in the field of higher education, not only as a matter of simple justice but in the interest of national welfare. On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, these recommendations were approved and adopted. CHANGES IN HOSPITAL A N D MEDICAL SERVICE INSURANCE (7) T h e Board of Trustees on December 18, 1943 (Minutes, page 791), approved a recommendation providing for exemption from the Hospital and Medical Service fee "for students who submit evidence of participation in any other group insurance systems providing the same benefits as those covered by the University fee," effective the second semester of 1943-1944. It also directed the Comptroller to communicate this action to the Occidental Life Insurance Company and to determine what, if any, changes in its policy of insurance would be necessary as a result of this action. T h e Comptroller reports that the company has submitted an endorsement to its policy granting that exemption for the second semester of the current school year without change in rates, with the understanding that the question of continuation of that exemption for the third semester beginning June, 1944, will be a subject of later consideration and endorsement. This endorsement has been accepted on behalf of the Board. This report was received for record. APPROPRIATION OF W O M E N ' S RESIDENCE HALLS BALANCE (8) On May 28, 1940 (Minutes, page 941), the Board of Trustees directed that beginning with the year ended June 30, 1940, the surplus from operation of the Women's Residence Halls be carried to a special residence halls reserve, to be applied toward equipment in the new Men's Residence Hall, or for underwriting the loan on that building. T h e total thus set aside was $60,806.93, from which on July 17, 1940 (Minutes, page 11), the sum of $50,000 was appropriated toward equipment of the Men's Hall. T w o additional items of expenditure are proposed by the Physical Plant Department: (1) Installation of a zone system of temperature control, including purchase of equipment and installation by Physical Plant Department. (2) Name plates (wooden) for the halls to provide for temporary markings for these buildings as approved by the Board of Trustees until such time as more permanent markings are possible.
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