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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

828 BOARD OF TRUSTEES the President, M r . H . E . Cunningham, Secretary, and M r . Lloyd Morey, Comptroller. SPECIAL BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN ACCOUNTANCY President Willard recommended that the following nominations made by the University Committee on Accountancy to complete the Special (five-man) Board of Examiners in Accountancy (see page 796) be approved. Public Accountant Member TILLMAN L. LUSK, 77 West Washington Street, Chicago. Mr. Lusk has been engaged in the practice of public accounting for many years under the firm name of Tillman L. Lusk and Company. He is a graduate of Mississippi College with the B.S. degree in 1915. He is fifty-one years of age. He has been Secretary of the Public Accountants Association of Illinois since its establishment. Certified Public Accountant Member JOHN W. QUEENAN, H I West Monroe Street, Chicago. Mr. Queenan graduated from the University of Illinois in 1927, receiving the B.S. degree in Accountancy with Honors. He is forty-three years of age. In 1931 he received the Illinois C.P.A. certificate and was awarded the Gold Medal of the Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants, having passed the examination with the highest total markings in all subjects. He also holds the Illinois Public Accountants certificate. At present Mr. Queenan is a partner in the Chicago office of Haskins and Sells. The Committee has ascertained that these gentlemen are willing to serve, if appointed. O n motion of Mr. Jensen, these nominations were approved, and the Secretary was instructed to notify Director F r a n k G. Thompson and to request the approval of the Department of Registration and Education as required by the Accountancy Act of 1943. T h e Executive Committee adjourned. H . E. C U N N I N G H A M PARK LIVINGSTON, Chairman Clerk F R A N K A. J E N S E N
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