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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1942] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 8l by the President of the University to the Board of Trustees on July 25, and was referred by the Board to its Committee on Student Welfare and Activities for study and recommendation. Present at this meeting were: Mrs. Helen M. Grigsby (Chairman) and Mr. F r a n k A. Jensen, members of the Committee; President A. C. Willard; Professor J. J. Doland, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Student Affairs; Miss Maria Leonard, Dean of W o m e n ; Mr. Fred H . Turner, Dean of Men and Secretary of the Committee on Student Affairs; and Mr. A. J. Janata, Assistant to the President, who served as Clerk of the Board Committee. At the request of the Chairman, Professor Doland presented and discussed the recommendations of the Senate Committee on Student Affairs. The recommendations provide for the reorganization of the Mini Union Board and define its relations to other student activities. T h e complete text of the recommendations is as follows, but the only points requiring action by the Board of Trustees are those which define the functions of the Illini Union Board, specify its personnel, and provide for its selection (Notes A, B, C, D ) : Note A.—All student activities of Illini Union Board shall be subject to the approval of Student Affairs Committee. Student activities budget to be approved by Student Affairs Committee, but actual receipt, disbursement, and accounting of funds shall be the responsibility of the Illini Union Board and handled by the Illini Union Accounting Office through the Student Organization Fund. Note B.—All financial and building management and operation policies shall be the responsibility of the Business Office and the Physical Plant Department. The Manager shall be responsible to the Director of the Physical Plant Department for the administration of all activities in the Illini Union Building, including the Food Service Department, Bowling Alleys, and all other departments. Note C.—Purpose of the Illini Union Board shall be: 1. Responsibility for administering all student activities of an all-University nature for either men or women, or both, such as those indicated under the Student Activities Committee (see Note E ) , plus other activities delegated to it by the Student Affairs Committee. 2. Responsibility for organizing and directing a program of social activities for the Faculty and Alumni of the University. 3. Act in an advisory capacity to the Manager of the Illini Union with regard to the management and operation of the Illini Union Building and its auxiliary enterprises. All actions in this capacity shall be subject to the approval of University Administrative Officers. Note D.—The personnel of the Illini Union Board shall be as follows: 1. Five students, three and two, men and women, selected by the Illini Union Board because of their demonstrated interest and ability in the student activities for which this board is responsible. If satisfactory candidates are available, two of these students, one man and one woman, shall be juniors, the balance seniors. 2. Two students selected by the Dean of Men's Council, one to be a fraternity man and one an independent. 3. Two students selected by the Woman's League, one to be a sorority woman and one an independent. (For the first year, and in order to facilitate the implementation of the plan, the Committee on Student Affairs will select the student members.) 4. Three faculty members selected by the President. 5. One representative of the alumni appointed by the President on nomination of the Alumni Association. 6. The Manager of the Illini Union. 7. T h e Social Director of the Illini Union. Note E.—The purpose of the Student Activities Committee shall be to carry out the student activities of the Illini Union Board. T h e personnel of this committee shall be as follows: 1. All student members of the Illini Union Board. 2. Two faculty members designated by the Illini Union Board from its own faculty membership. 3. The Manager of the Illini Union. 4. T h e Social Director of the Illini Union. 5. An Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary shall be appointed by
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