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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

804 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [December 18 payable by the University Retirement System, so that the sick leave in each case is without pay: M R S . HELEN S. MCFARLAND, Junior Stenographer in the Library, December I, 1942, to September I, 1944. LEONARD HAMMEL, Janitor in the Physical Plant Department, March 1 through April 14, 1943. PETER HANSEN, F a r m Laborer in the Department of Horticulture, March 20, 1943, through August 31, 1944. DOROTHY A N N CROMLEY, Junior Clerk-Stenographer in the Division of Physically Handicapped Children, July 19, 1942, through September 2, 1942. WILHELMINA MURPHY, Assistant Dietitian in the Research and Educational Dietary Department, November II through December 31, 1943. EDITH G. DIENER, Assistant Cook, September 1, 1942, to April 6, 1944. SHIRLEY AMORT, Junior Clerk-Stenographer in the Research and Educational Hospital, July 20 to August 31, 1943, for treatment for injury. JAMES L. QUICK, Water Station Operator, June 13, 1943, to September 1, 1944. J. E. BARNES, Laborer in the Dairy Husbandry Department, October 16 through November 21, 1943. Leaves of Absence for Military and Other War Service ( T h e leave in each case is without pay.) FREDERICK EMERSON SLOAN, Junior Architectural Draftsman in the Chicago Physical Plant Department, December 26, 1942, through August 31, 1943, and for one year from September 1, 1943. (Marines) GEORGE GILBERT DAVIS, Associate Professor of Surgery ( R u s h ) , for one year from September 1, 1943. (Government Service) FREDERICK STANLEY RODKEY, Professor of History, indefinite, from September 1, 1943. ( A r m y ) WARREN WILLIAM JOHNSTON, Assistant Laboratory Attendant, Department of Electrical Engineering, October 15, 1943, through August 31, 1944. (Army) WALTER EDMUND HANSON, Instructor in General Engineering Drawing, October 16, 1943, through August 31, 1044. (Navy) CHARLES E. FREDERICKS, Groundsman in the Physical Plant Department, November 6, 1943, through August 31, 1944. ( A r m y ) JOHN WESLEY FOSTER, Assistant in Medicine ( R u s h ) , November 20, 1943, through August 31, 1944. (Army Medical Corps) WENDELL EARL MILLER, Instructor in Electrical Engineering, December 1, 1943, through August 31, 1944. (Naval Reserve) HERBERT PENZL, Assistant Professor of German, December 8, 1943, through August 31, 1944. ( A r m y ) SAMUEL IRWIN DITKOWSKY, Instructor in Medicine, December 1, 1943, through August 31, 1944. (Navy) HERBERT JOSEPH REICH, Professor of Electrical Engineering, January 1 through August 31, 1944. (Government Service) CASSEL G. PAYNE, Janitor in the Physical Plant Department, December 15, 1943, through August 31, 1044. ( A r m y ) NORVAL DOUGLAS HODGES, Administrative Assistant, Bursar's Division, January 1 through August 31, 1944. (Navy) OLIVER FREDERICK GAEBE, Associate, Extension Service, College of Agriculture, January 7 through August 31, 1944. ( A r m y ) O n m o t i o n of M r . J e n s e n , t h e s e l e a v e s w e r e g r a n t e d a s recommended. LEAVE O F A B S E N C E F O R M R S . THELMA C . BRUMWELL (7) At the meeting of the Board of Trustees on May 24, 1943, the acceptance of the resignation of Mrs. Thelma C. Brumwell, Dispensary Nurse, was approved. T h e Comptroller reports that M r s . Brumwell is entitled to disability benefits under the University Retirement System, and should not have submitted a resignation but should have requested a leave of absence in order to receive such benefits.
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