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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

790 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [December 18 and universities. (Recommendation of special committee of the Board of Trustees, approved by the Board.) T h e President of the University has appointed a Special Committee on F u t u r e University Programs 1 to bring together such advice and information as in its judgment should receive serious consideration in carrying out the broad implication of this recommendation. In studying the recommendations of the Commission it has been found that the faculty committees appointed to investigate items 3 and 14 will need special funds for their work. In order to make these studies effectively it will be necessary for members of the committees to be relieved of some of their teaching, which makes it necessary to employ partial replacements. T h e committees will also need funds for travel (to visit other colleges and universities), consultants' fees, and office expenses. T h e departments whose staff members are serving on these committees have been asked to release them for this general University service and to absorb as much of their teaching as possible without employing additional replacements, but some relief will be necessary. Special Item. T h e Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees at a meeting on November 19, 1943, voted that the President of the University be requested to make a recommendation looking toward a survey of the junior college movement in Illinois to ascertain what steps the University should take to promote the proper development and guidance of the junior colleges. In order to carry out the Committee's instructions, funds will be required to review and extend the studies already made of the junior college problem in Illinois. Some additional studies may also be necessary, in one or two other states. As nearly as can be estimated at this time the following funds will be needed: For studies of College of Liberal Arts and Sciences programs to implement recommendation 3 of the American Council on Education report $ 3 000 For studies of future University programs to implement recommendation 14 of the American Council on Education r e p o r t . . 5 000 F o r junior college studies as directed by Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees 3 000 Total $11 000 I request a special appropriation of $11,000 from the General Reserve Fund for these studies, the fund to be allocated by the President of the University to the committees and agencies engaged in this work. No request will be made for funds for any of the remaining items in the American Council on Education recommendations now also being studied until we are further along with recommendations 3 and 14. On motion of Mr. Jensen, these recommendations were adopted and the appropriation was made from the General Reserve Fund, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Jensen, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McKelvey, Mr. Nickell; no, none; absent, Mr. Davis, Mr. Green, Mr. Karraker, Dr. Luken, Dr. Meyer. APPROPRIATION FOR MICROSCOPES IN CHICAGO COLLEGES (6) T h e Executive Dean of the Chicago Colleges has made a request for an appropriation of $38,000 for the purchase of 225 additional microscopes required for the next incoming classes of the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry in April, 1044. This is a further extension of the program inaugurated by an appropriation of $10,000 on October 17, 1942, and $4,000 additional on May 20, 1943. At that time it was indicated that it had become necessary to abandon the plan of former 'Assistant Dean R. R. Hudelson, of the College of Agriculture, Chairman; Dr. R. B. Allen, Executive Dean of the Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy; Assistant Dean H. M. Gray, of the Graduate School; Professor Max Black, of the Department of Philosophy; Assistant Professor N. M. Newmark, of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Associate Professor C. W. Sanford, of the College of Education; Assistant Professor F. T. Wall, of the Department of Chemistry.
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