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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 777 SHANOR, LELAND, Instructor in Botany, for ten months beginning September i, 1943, at a salary of two thousand one hundred dollars ($2100) (on leave of absence for 1943-1944, without salary, for approved war work) (this supersedes his previous appointment). (October 13, 1943) SIDEBOTTOM, OMAR MARION, Special Research Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, in the Engineering Experiment Station, beginning October 15, 1943, and continuing through August 31, 1944, at a salary at the rate of two thousand four hundred dollars ($2400) a year. (September 10, 1043) SMITH, M R S . EDITH M., Junior Account Clerk in the Physical Plant Department, for one year beginning September 1, 1943, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary of one thousand four hundred seventy dollars ($1470) (this supersedes her previous appointment). (October 5, 1943) SMITH, LLOYD, Assistant in Physics, in the College of Engineering, on onehalf time, for eight months beginning October 1, 1943, at a salary of one thousand fifty dollars ($1050). (September 9, 1943) SMITH, LYLE W., Assistant in Physics, in the College of Engineering, on one-half time, for eight months beginning October I, 1943, at a salary of one thousand fifty dollars ($1050). (September 9, 1943) SPECTOR, HARRY, Special Research Assistant in Animal Husbandry, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for eleven months beginning September I, 1943, at a salary at the rate of two thousand six hundred dollars ($2600) a year. (September 4, 1943) SPEER, THOMAS L E ROY, Special Research Associate in Soil Mechanics, in the Department of Civil Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station, beginning October 1, 1943, and continuing until further notice, at a salary at the rate of three thousand dollars ($3000) a year. (September 28, 1943) SPRINGER, MELVIN DALE, to give instruction in Mathematics, in the Summer Semester of 1943, beginning July I, 1943, and continuing through October 2, 1943, at a salary of three hundred seventy-five dollars ($375) for the period. (September 1, 1943) STEIGMANN, FREDERICK, Assistant Professor of Medicine, on one-half time, for ten months beginning November I, 1943, at a salary at the rate of eighty dollars ($80) a month (this supersedes his previous appointment). (October 28, 1943) STEWART, MRS. HELEN FAULKNER, Assistant in Music, on one-third time, for nine months beginning October I, 1943, at a salary at the rate of sixty dollars ($60) a month. (October 20, 1943) STONEHAM, RICHARD GEORGE, to give instruction in Mathematics, in the Summer Semester of 1943, beginning September 2, 1943, and continuing through October 2, 1943, at a salary of three hundred fifteen dollars ($315) for the period. (September 13, 1943) STONEHAM, RICHARD GEORGE, Assistant in Mathematics, for ten months be- ginning October 1, 1943, at a salary of two thousand dollars ($2000). (September 10, 1943) STOVER, ERNEST LINCOLN, Visiting Professor of Botany, for one year beginning September 1, 1943, at a salary of four thousand two hundred dollars ($4200). (September 2, 1943) STRELL, JOHN, JR., Assistant in Physical Education for Men, on 8/11 time, and Assistant to the Director of the School of Physical Education, on 3/11 time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1943, at a salary of two thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($2250) (this supersedes his previous appointment). (September 10, 1943) SUNYAR, ANDREW WILLIAM, Assistant in Physics, in the College of Engineering, on one-half time, for eight months beginning October I, 1943, at a salary of one thousand fifty dollars ($1050). (September 9, 1943) SWIFT, HOWARD RAYMOND, Special Research Associate in Ceramic Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station, beginning October I, 1943, and continuing until further notice, at a salary at the rate of two thousand four hundred dollars ($2400) a year. (October 18, 1943) TARLOW, VIRGINIA, Instructor in Psychiatry, in the College of Medicine, for ten months beginning November I, 1943, at a salary at the rate of two hundred dollars ($200) a month (this supersedes her previous appointment). (October !3, 1943)
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