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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1943] UN: KROGER, W I L L I A M SAUL, A lege of Medicine, for eleven i (October 7, 1943) KRONE, R A L P H WERNER, A on one-half time, for eight mo thousand fifty dollars ($1050). KRONENBERG, GISELA J., R Medicine, beginning October ! without salary (October 19, it KRUGER, GORDON JAMES, A Agricultural Experiment Stat without salary (the entire sala a year will be paid by the Sta< versity assumes no responsibili LADD, ROBERT LELON, Ass: Oral Pathology, in the Colleg continuing through March 31, ($200) a month. (September ; LANG, M R S . BLANCHE ELA ment of Physics, in the Colleg continuing through August 31 at a salary at the rate of one 19. J 943) LARSON, THURSTON E., A S months beginning September ($450). (September 8, 1043) LATHAM, DARRELL ELLSWO Men, on one-fourth time, fo salary of three hundred fifty 1 LAUGHLIN, J O H N S E T H , A; on one-half time, for eight rac thousand fifty dollars ($1050) LAWRENCE, MARIE KATHR ment of the Library, for ele\ University Civil Service rule hundred dollars ($2100) a y (September 23, 1943) LEACH, BYRON ELWOOD, Sp time, for eight months beginn dollars ($700). (September 3, LEHMANN, FRANCES, Supe Hospitals, for one year beginr Service rules, at a salary of ($1728) ; for h e r convenience at ninety-six dollars ($96) a ; LEVINSON, SAMUEL A., D Educational Hospitals, on t h n 1, 1943, at a salary of five tl addition to his appointment as cine, without salary) (this si 1943) LINCK, LAWRENCE J., Lect of Criminology, Social Hygie Medicine, without salary, and Children, on two-fifths time, to University Civil Service r dollars ($2400). (September n LIVINGSTON, M R S . MARIETI beginning September 1, 1943, five hundred dollars ($5500) E LOCKHART, H A I N E S BOOTS, half time, for eight months hundred dollars ($700). (Sep
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