Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SECRETARY'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS 753 The Secretary presented also for record the following documents signed by the President and the Secretary of the Board and deposited with the Secretary since the last report. 1. Agreement with Posie T . Wright, dated August 31, 1943, to settle controversy in regard to Wright estates. 2. Contracts for the purchase of coal, as follows: Name Globe Coal Company Peabody Coal Company Silver Creek Coal Company Date 8-13-43 8-13-43 9-30-43 Price (per ton) $2 OO 2 40 Amount (tons) 4 98 8 000 5 000 9 000 DEGREES CONFERRED SEPTEMBER 1 8 , 1 9 4 3 , IN CHICAGO The Secretary presented also for record the following list of degrees conferred September 18, 1943, in Chicago. Summary College of Dentistry: Bachelor of Science in Dentistry College of Medicine: Bachelor of Science in Medicine Bachelor of Medicine Total, College of Medicine College of Pharmacy: Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Graduate School—Chicago Departments: Master of Science Total, Degrees Conferred September 18, 1943, in Chicago 2 13 I 14 5 4 25 COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy JEANNETTE H E L E N BRAST VICTOR GINSBURG MICHAEL JAMES GOGGIN MELVIN JOHN H A Y E S WILLIAM PILJAC COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Degree of Bachelor of Science in Dentistry CARL H E R M A N MULLER DANIEL RICHARD SCUDDER COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Degree of Bachelor of Science in Medicine HARRY WILLARD BERGMANN VALENTINE P A U L B U T Z JAMES W I L L I A M L A N D I S HARRY BARNEY LERNER DALE WOOLLEY DOUGLAS, A.B., P a r k College, 1939 ROBERT JESSE GREAVES CHARLES VOISIN H E C K , A.B., 1939 FRITZ REIS, with H i g h H o n o r s GEORGE ALBERT ROBERTS, A.B., 1941 ALEXANDER GEORGE SROKA JOSEPH F. TARNOFF, A.B., Illinois W e s - HARRY S. K A H N , with High Honors HARRIET SONIA KOTT leyan University, 1938 Degree of Bachelor of Medicine STANLEY EDWARD ANDERSON, B.S., M.D., 1937, 1940