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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

730 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 29 insurance in the approximate amount of the death benefit in each case. This policy being no longer in effect, these leaves should now be approved. MAYNARD K. WEITZEL, Guard at University Armory, Physical Plant De partment, from March 22 through August 31, 1943. ( A r m y ) ARTHUR WILBUR CLEVENGEK, High School Visitor, from May 1 through August 31, 1943. ( A r m y ) EVA ANNA BEGG, Supervising Nurse in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, from April 5 through August 31, 1943. (Army Nurse Corps) ISADORE PILOT, Associate Professor of Pathology, indefinite leave from April I, 1943. ( A r m y ) FRANCIS H . STRAUS, Associate Professor of Surgery ( R u s h ) , from April 1 through August 31, 1943. ( A r m y ) Extensions of Leaves of Absence for War Service ( F o r one year from September 1, 1943) The following list includes employees who do not have formal staff appointments. In adopting the budget for 1943-1944, the Board also approved extensions of leaves of absence for other members of the staff whose names were included in the budget as "on leave without pay." JOHN BETTINARDI, Orderly, Research and Educational Hospitals. CHARLES B. GRANBERG, Graduate Assistant in Hospital Pharmacy. HELEN LONCHAR, Staff Nurse, Research and Educational Hospitals. ROY H . ALLAN, Advanced Registry Supervisor, Department of Dairy Husbandry. HAROLD E. BELL, Supervisor of Official Testing, Department of Dairy Husbandry. LEE F. BURTCH, Mimeograph Operator, Agricultural Experiment Station. ROBERT C. CHANCELLOR, Laborer, Department of Horticulture. LEONARD COLE, Mimeograph Operator, Agricultural Experiment Station. JOHN T E D DIXON, Laborer, Department of Horticulture. C. DALE ELLIS, Mimeograph Operator, Agricultural Experiment Station. CARL EMPSON, Mimeograph Operator, Agricultural Experiment Station. W A Y N E HARDIN, Laborer at Dixon Springs Experiment Station. THEODORE D U N N , Steam Distribution Operator, Physical Plant Department. GLENN H. EASTMAN, Electrician, Physical Plant Department. MAURICE B. EVANS, Sound Technician, Physical Plant Department. CLEM GERIIART, Laborer, Physical Plant Department. KENNETH GLEICHMAN, Janitor, Physical Plant Department. R. W. GOODKNIGHT, Janitor, Physical Plant Department. DENNIS H I L L , Painter, Physical Plant Department. JACK HONN, janitor, Physical Plant Department. LAWRENCE W. KRUTSINGER, Machinist, Physical Plant Department. THOMAS H. MALLOY, Illini Union Bookstore, Physical Plant Department. A. W. MCLINTOCK, Janitor, Physical Plant Department. LEO PARNELL, Janitor, Illini Union, Physical Plant Department. JAMES G. SHELTON, Janitor, Residence Hall, Physical Plant Department. KENNETH W. SMITH, Mechanical Engineer, Physical Plant Department. RALPH E. SMITH, Fire Station Attendant, Physical Plant Department. T. R. STAYTON, Water Station Operator, Physical Plant Department. P. R. VERKON, Architectural Draftsman, Physical Plant Department. MAYNARD K. WEITZEL, Guard at Armory, Physical Plant Department. Louis G. COONROD, Machinist, Physical Plant Department. F. E. RICHARDS, Machinist, Physical Plant Department. R A Y L. CARROLL, Painter, Chicago Physical Plant Department. NORBERT CZAJKOWSKI, Laborer, Chicago Physical Plant Department. JOSEPH EHRLICHER, Laborer, Chicago Physical Plant Department. JOHN J. F E E , Laborer, Chicago Physical Plant Department. DEAN H I L L , Janitor, Chicago Physical Plant Department. JOE JOSEPH, Laborer, Chicago Physical Plant Department. JAMES MORAN, Laborer, Chicago Physical Plant Department.
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