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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

728 BOAKD OF TRUSTEES [October 29 LEAVES OF ABSENCE (5) A recommendation that the following leaves of absence be granted members of the staff for the reasons and periods and under the conditions indicated in each case, which are in accordance with the regulations of the Board governing such leaves: W. A. OLDFATHER, Professor of the Classics and Chairman of the Department, sick leave for six months from September I, 1943, with full pay less any expense to the University resulting from his absence. GLENN P. HASKELL, Associate in English, additional sick leave, without pay, for the first half of the academic year 1943-1944, or from September 1, 1943, to March 1, 1944. (Doctor Haskell has previously been given all of the leave on pay to which he is entitled under University rules.) A. MARIE ANDERSON, Associate in Art, disability leave from October 1, 1943, through January 31, 1944, with full pay less any expense to the University resulting from her absence. E. R. BERBAUM, Routing Supervisor in the Physical Plant Department, disability leave with pay from June 12 through October 18, 1943. This supersedes leave previously granted him from June 12 through November 12 (Minutes, August 31, 1943, page 507). M R S . MILDRED W. SPENCE, Secretary to the Dean of the College of Dentistry, disability leave with pay from June 6 through June 19, 1943, and leave without pay from June 20 through October 14, 1943. During this latter leave she was paid disability benefits by the University Retirement System. MILDRED BOWERS, Landscape Architecture Librarian, disability leave with pay from August 17 to October 1, 1943. FRANCES L. CRITES, employee in the Division of Services for Crippled Children, leave without pay from September 20, 1943, to June 7, 1944, for the purpose of taking advanced professional training. GERTRUDE GOATLEY, Junior Clerk-Stenographer, Comptroller's Office, Chicago, disability leave with pay from July 29 through October 20, 1943, and without pay from November 21, 1943, through August 31, 1944. W. J. WEBER, Painter in the Physical Plant Department, disability leave with pay from August 17 through November 30, 1943, or so much thereof as may be needed. Leaves of Absence for War Service (The leave in each case is without pay.) DONALD W. KERST, Associate Professor of Physics, beginning November 1, 1943, and continuing indefinitely, for special service to the W a r Department. (This leave was authorized by the Board on May 24, 1943, but at that time the effective date was not known, this being subject to arrangements between Professor Kerst and the W a r Department.) GEORGE FREDERICK MILLER, Assistant Laboratory Mechanic in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, from May 18 through August 31, 1943. (Navy) Lois O. OLSON, Junior Laboratory Assistant in the Psychiatry Department, from May 26 through August 31, 1943. (Army Nurse Corps) HUGO J. DAVID, Assistant in Speech, from June 17 through August 31, 1943. (Army) C. P. VIENS, Instructor in French, from July 1 through August 31, 1943(Navy) FRANK J. MORRIS, Assistant Director of the Division of Services for Crippled Children, from July 1 through August 31, and for one year from September 1, 1943. ( A r m y ) SIGURD WALTER MELSTED, Assistant in Soil Survey Analysis (Agronomy), from August 1 through August 31, 1943. ( A r m y ) RUSSELL C. HANSELMAN, Assistant in Surgery ( R u s h ) , for one year from September 1, 1943. ( A r m y ) O W E N G. MCDONALD, Assistant in Surgery ( R u s h ) , from September 19. 1943, through August 31, 1944. ( A r m y ) CHARLES R. FILIPPI, Assistant in Ceramic Engineering, from October I, 1943, through August 31, 1944. (Navy)
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