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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

696 15. • (C.S.) 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. , , —, , , BOARD OF TRUSTEES , Senior Medical Technologist—Orthoptics D D D D D [ A u g u s t 31 (C.S.) D 1 soo2 Total, Salaries (31 916) 21. Wages (30 Staff Nurses and 15 Nurses' Aides) H (50 384) Total, Salaries and Wages (82 300) Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense 500 Total, Expense and Equipment (500) Total, Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary $ 82 800 T h e University provides 8 Senior and 8 Junior Residents without salary in addition to the above. Full maintenance for this personnel under the agreement is to be provided by the Department. DIVISION OF SERVICES FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN (These items are subject to redistribution within total) Salaries and Wages I. Undistributed salaries and wages ($100 Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense 122 Travel 50 Total, Expense and Equipment (172 Total, Division of Services for Crippled Children $272 Appropriation in 1943-1944 from state appropriations, $122,500; estimated Federal Government, $160,000. DIVISION OF UNIVERSITY Summary Administration Extramural Extension Visual Aids Sub-total • Visual Aids Revolving Account Total, University Extension EXTENSION . Salaries Other and Wages Expense $18 236 $2 400 2 800 7 825 200 2 600 (21236) (12825) 4 200 13 000 $25 436 #25 825 Senior Laboratory Assistant (C.S.) Medical Social Worker—Glaucoma (C.S.) Assistant Clerk-Typist (C.S.) Director of Nursing Service (C.S.) Assistant Director of Nursing Service i I 1 I 2 800 4401 980 320 1962 000) 500 000 500) 500 from Total $20 636 10 625 2 800 (34061) 17 200 $51 261 Salaries and Wages Administration 1. R. B. Browne, Director (See Summer Semester) (See Education) (Total salary) 2. L. V. Peterson, Visual Aids Supervisor (C.S.) (On leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military service) 3. A. D. Huston, Supervisor of Speech Aids Service and Assistant to the Director (See English) (Total salary) (On leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military service) D62 D21 A17 D D75 B25 $ 4 (1 (1 (6 040 360) 100) 500)' (2 400) (2 250) (.75°) (3 000) 1 Also furnished one meal a day, valued at $96 a year, while on duty, for the convenience of the2 employee. Also furnished room and board, valued at $384 a year, while on duty, for the convenience of the employee. 'Also $500 a year from K.S.M.W.T. funds until further notice.
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