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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

692 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [AugUSt 31 Salaries and Wages * 1. Hildur Hellberg, Dietitian (C.S.) 2. Alpha Stine, Assistant Dietitian, Main Kitchen (C.S.) 3. Mary C. Beckers, Assistant Dietitian, Special Diets (C.S.) 4. Beata A. Link, Assistant Dietitian, I. N. I. Building (C.S.) 5. Mrs. Margaret J. Mix, Assistant Dietitian, Cafeteria (C.S.) 6. Wilhelmina Murphy, Assistant Dietitian, Floor Diet Kitchens (C.S.) 7. Alice S. Michalak, Assistant Clerk-Stenographer ( C . S . ) . . Total, Salaries 8. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Travel Equipment Repairs and Maintenance Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Dietary Salaries and Wages ' 1. S. A. Levinson, Director (Also Professor of Pathology, without salary) 2. R. P. MacFate, Assistant Director (Also Associate Professor of Pathology, without salary) 3. K. M. Stobart, Assistant 4. Emily R. Jones, Senior Medical Technologist (C.S.) 5. Mrs. Isabel C. Dorrell, Senior Medical Technologist (C.S.) 6. Mrs. Beatrice C. Siemon, Senior Medical Technologist (C.S.) 7. Mary V. Donahue, Senior Medical Technologist (C.S.) . . . 8. Margaret Bell, Senior Medical Technologist (C.S.) 9. Mrs. Hazel B. Lindahl, Senior Medical Technologist (C.S.) 10. Jane E. Clymer, Junior Medical Technologist (C.S.) 11. Fleda A. Jones, Junior Medical Technologist (C.S.) 12. , Junior Laboratory Assistant (C.S.) 13. Marjorie Elswick, Senior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) 14. Shirley M. Amort, Junior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) 15. , Second-Year Resident Total, Salaries 16. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Laboratory D D D D D D D H $ 2 I I I ioo 1 944* 5001 4401 1 7162 I 1 11 62 (73 4401 320 460 484' 944) 90 3°o4 100 600 I OO O (92 000) $165 944 A75 A90 D D D D D D D D D D D D D H $ 4 700 3 850 2 400 I 980 2 200 980 980 980 980 650 650 320 740 380 880 (31 670) 700 (32 37°) I I 1 1 1 1 I I I 9 24° (9 240) $ 41 610 Salaries and Wages 1. Ann Lucille Laird, Director of Nursing Service (C.S.) . . . D 2. Ruth M. Carroll, Assistant Director of Nursing Service (C.S.) D $ 2 6401 1 9201 1 Also furnished room and board, valued at $384 a year, while on duty, for the convenience of the employee. 2 Also furnished two meals a day, valued at $192 a year, while on duty, for the convenience of the employee. a Also furnished one meal a day, valued at $96 a year, while on duty, for the convenience of the employee. "The operating budget of this department is also to be credited monthly with the income received from the Illinois Neuropsychiatry Institute and the Institute for Juvenile Research for meals served patients and personnel. (See provisions for Joint Agreement between the University of Illinois and the State Department of Public Welfare.)
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