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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

684 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ A u g U S t 31 4. V. O. Hurme, Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry, Caries Research Clinic (See Operative Dentistry) (Total salary) 5. Gustave Swanson, Senior Laboratory Mechanic ( C . S . ) . . . 6. Anne Toomey, Storekeeper (C.S.) Total, Salaries 7. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Prosthetic (Full Denture) Prosthetic (Crown and Bridge) Operative Department Therapeutics Department Laundry Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Dental Clinics - , . , T,. Dentistry for Children Salanes and wages 1. Elsie Gerlach, Superintendent of Children's Clinic and Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry 2. Beulah G. Nelson, Associate 3. J. M. Spence, Instructor (See Histology) (Total salary) : •.. (On leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military service) 4. 1 Assistant (Vice Spence on leave without pay) 5. Mrs. May G. Greenaway, Clinic Nurse (C.S.) Total, Salaries Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Dentistry for Children Salaries and Wages 1. Isaac Schour, Professor and H e a d of Department 2. Maury Massler, Assistant Professor (See Orthodontia) (Total salary) 3. F r e d Herzberg, Instructor in Oral Anatomy ( O n leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military service) 4. J. R. Thompson, Associate (Vice Herzberg on leave without pay) 5. J. M. Spence, Instructor (See Children's Clinic) (Total salary) (On leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military service) 6. J. A. Gagnon, Instructor (Vice Spence on leave without pay) 7. , Assistant (3 half-days each week) ( N o salary) 8. Frances Schwab, Senior Laboratory Assistant (C.S.) 9. Emil Matt, Junior Laboratory Assistant (C.S.) ( O n leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military s e r v i c e ) . . . 10. Victoria Tilep, Junior Laboratory Assistant (C.S.) (Vice Matt on leave without pay) 11. H a r r i e t Richter, Junior Laboratory Assistant in Oral Anatomy 12. Gertrude Everett, Junior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) D67 D33 D D H 2 334 (i 166) (3 500) 2 310 1 980 (6 624) 3 600 (10 224) 1 000 7 150 6 050 3 960 I 000 4 500 (23 660) $ 33 884 D D20 D20 D50 D20 D $ 3 500 550 (520) (1 300) (1 820) 500 1 650 (6 200) 890 (890) 7000 $ A D60 D40 D D50 D50 D20 D50 D30 D D D D D $ 7 500 2 100 (1400) (3 5°°) (2 000) 1 575 (1 300) (520) (1 820) I 3°° 2 200 (1 800) 1 5°° 1 380 1 620
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