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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

682 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 3i D D D D H (1 680) I 620 I 500 I 440 26. Annabel Wheeler, Senior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) ( O n leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military service) . . 27. Grace M. Becker, Junior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) (Vice Wheeler on leave without pay) 28. Maryhelen Keirans, Junior Clerk-Stenographer ( C . S . ) . . 29. , Junior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) Total, Salaries 30. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense General Departmental Expense (Presbyterian Hospital) Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Surgery a , • j rr/ I l l u s t r a t i o n Studios Salaries and Wages 1. T. S. Jones, Professor of Medical and Dental Illustration, and Head of Department 2. Marion L. Mason, Associate in Medical Illustration 3. L. A. Toriello, Photographer (C.S.) Total, Salaries 4. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Illustration Studios (47 248) 706 (47 954) 15 000 2 700 (17 700) $ 65 654 $ 6 000 A 2 640 D75 3 100 D H (11 740) 400 (12 140) 1 400 (1 400) $ 13 540 C O L L E G E O F DENTISTRY Summary „ , . Salaries Other and Wages Expense Total Administration $18 350 $ 4 000 $22 350 Admitting Clinic 6 950 350 7 300 Dental Clinics 10 224 23 660 33 884 Dentistry for Children 6 200 890 7 090 Histology 20 175 2 000 22 175 Medical and Dental History 1 250 1 250 Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics 14 540 1 250 15 790 Operative Dentistry 19 086 1 125 20 211 Oral and Plastic Surgery 14 990 1 050 16 040 Orthodontia 12 030 4 900 16 930 Pathology—Division of Oral Pathology 7 300 300 7 600 Prosthetic Dentistry: Crowns and Fixed Partial Dentures 14 280 1 350 15 630 Full Dentures and Removable Partial Dentures. . 21 620 1 200 22 820 Total, Prosthetic Dentistry (35 900) (2 550) (38 450) Radiology 2 520 2 200 4 7^° Total, College of Dentistry $169 515 $44 275 $213 790 E x p e n d a b l e Gift a n d E n d o w m e n t F u n d s Salaries Other an Research' ^ Wages Expense Estimated new projects and renewals $1 500 $500 Total, Expendable Gift and Endowment Funds $1 500 #500 Total $2 000 $2 000
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