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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 0000 659 A A A A A A A B50 D D H 5. W. E. Britton, Professor (On leave without pay, 10431944) 6. M. I. Schnebly, Professor 7. W. L. Summers, Professor (On leave without pay, 19431044) 8. G. W . Goble, Professor 9. G. B. Weisiger, Professor 10. H. W. Holt, Professor 11. V. E. Ferrall, Associate Professor (On leave without pay, 1043-1944) 12. R. N. Sullivan, Assistant Professor 13. Marian H . Martin, Secretary (C.S.) 14. Katherine A. Mullen, Junior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) Total, Salaries 15. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Travel Equipment Contingent (Balance of salary from Item 12) Total, Expense and Equipment Total, College of Law 7 4001 7 400 5 000 5 700 4 700 2 300' 2 600 1 500 (72 000) 420 (72 420) 2 700 250 SO 1 700 (4 700) $ 77 120 C O L L E G E O F FINE A N D A P P L I E D ARTS Summary Salaries Other and Wages Expense Administration #13 960 $3 100 I 000 Architecture 61 130 1 100 Art 47 137 Landscape Architecture 19 470 500 3 300 School of Music 69 708 (9 000) Sub-total (211 405) University Chorus Revolving Account 275 Sub-total (211 405) (9 275) Bureau of Community Planning 3 600 1 000 Total, College of Fine and Applied Arts #215 005 $10 275 E x p e n d a b l e Gift and E n d o w m e n t F u n d s Salaries Other Instruction (Endowment income): and Wages Expense Lorado Taft lectureship #6oo $900 Total, Expendable Gift and Endowment Funds ?6oo 3900 e„; j rj/ Administration Salaries ana wages 1. Rexford Newcomb, Dean Professor of the History of Architecture Director of Bureau of Community Planning 2. C. E. Palmer, Associate Dean (See Architecture) (Total salary) 3- Alice T. Wall, Secretary (C.S.) Total, Salaries 4. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages 'These positions are not to be filled in 1043-1944. 'Full-time salary rate is $4,000. Total #17 060 62 130 48 237 19 970 73 008 (220 405) 275 (220 680) 4 600 $225 280 Total $1 500 $1 500 B A D D50 A50 D H $ 8 500 2 815 (2585) (5 400) 2420 (13 735) 225 (13 960)
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