Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

65O AGRONOMY SOIL SURVEY BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ A u g U S t 31 12. A. E. Erickson (See Agronomy, Item 42) CROP COMPOSITION D D25 D 8 2 200 330 100 (430) (2 100) 330 3 000 330 (3 330) 1 600 (1 800) 330 (1 930) (8 220) 13. Mabel R. Anderson (See Agronomy, Item 53) 14. Mrs. Nelle G. Pieper (See Agronomy, Item 57) Sub-total, Crop Composition W E E D CONTROL 15. E. E. Downing (See Agronomy, Item 45) (On leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military service) D IMPROVEMENT OF PASTURE AND FORAGE 16. Mabel R. Anderson (See Agronomy, Item 53) INVESTIGATION OF N E W CROPS D25 B D25 17. , (See Agronomy, Item 29) 18. Mabel R. Anderson (See Agronomy, Item 53) Sub-total, Investigation of New Crops CHEMICAL CHANGES IN SOILS 19. A. U. Thor (See Agronomy, Item 28) B50 20. S. W. Melsted (See Agronomy, Item 47) (On leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military service) D 21. Mabel R. Anderson (See Agronomy, Item 53) D25 Sub-total, Chemical Changes in Soils Sub-total, Agronomy ANIMAL HUSBANDRY RESISTANCE TO DISEASE 22. A. V. Nalbandov (See Animal Husbandry, Item 19) D12 23. J. M. Severens (See Animal Husbandry, Item 24) D50 24. Mrs. Margaret Schrader (See Animal Husbandry, Item 39) D19 Sub-total, Resistance to Disease BEEF CATTLE ( W A R PROJECT O.E.M.) 360 1 400 280 (2 040) 666 730 900 520 816) 856) T. S. Hamilton (See Animal Husbandry, Item 14) F r a n k Simpson (See Animal Husbandry, Item 27) F . I. Nakamura (See Animal Husbandry, Item 28) W. T. Haines (See Animal Husbandry, Item 30) Sub-total, Beef Cattle Sub-total, Animal Husbandry DAIRY HUSBANDRY W H O L E M I L K POWDER 25. 26. 27. 28. A16 D39 D79 D63 1 I (4 (6 , (See Dairy Husbandry, Item 27) Sub-total, Dairy Husbandry HORTICULTURE ADAPTATION OF VEGETABLE CROPS 29. D50 800 (800) 30. C. F . Genter (See Horticulture, Item 23) SPRAY PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT D D 2 420 2 800 (5 220) 31. Dwight Powell (See Horticulture, Item 19) Sub-total, Horticulture AGRICULTURAL GRAIN STORAGE ENGINEERING 300 2 420 1 800 (4 220) (2 000) (4 520) 32. Ruth E. Klein (See Agricultural Engineering, Item 1 4 ) . . D20 OPERATING AND IMPROVEMENT COSTS 33. H . P . Bateman (See Agricultural Engineering, Item 8) . . . D 34. , (See Agricultural Engineering, Item 1 1 ) . . D Sub-total, Operating and Improvement Costs W E E D CONTROL 35. C. W. Veach (See Agricultural Engineering, Item 10) (On leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military s e r v i c e ) . . D Sub-total, Agricultural Engineering