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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
628 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [AugUSt 31 8a. P . E . Johnston, State Supervisor, Emergency F a r m Labor ( E ) ; Professor (C) and Chief ( S ) G Salary under Agricultural Extension, Federal Emergency F a r m Labor) 9. — ., Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) A86 (See Purnell fund) A14 (Total salary) 10. G. L. Jordan, Professor (C) and Chief ( S ) A81 (See Purnell fund) A19 (Total salary) 11. R. C. Ross, Professor (C) and Chief ( S ) , F a r m Management A72 ( F r o m State Selective Service Headquarters) G12 (See Purnell fund) A16 (Total salary) 12. R. W . Bartlett, Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) A64 (See Purnell fund) A36 (Total salary) (On leave without pay, 1943-1944) 13. D. E. Lindstrom, Professor (C&E) and Chief ( S ) , Rural Sociology A43 (See Purnell fund) A17 (See Smith-Lever fund) A40 (See Sociology, College of L.A.S.) (Total salary) 14. R. H . Wilcox, Associate Professor ( C ) and Associate Chief ( S ) , F a r m Management A41 (See Purnell fund) A59 (Total salary) 15. J. B. Cunningham, Associate Professor, F a r m Management Extension ( E ) (See Smith-Lever fund) A 16. H . W. Hannah, Assistant Professor ( C ) and Assistant Chief ( S ) B50 (See Purnell fund) B25 ( F r o m State Soil Conservation District Board) D25 (Total salary) (On leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military service) 17. E. M. Hughes, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics Extension ( E ) (See Smith-Lever fund) B (On leave without pay to January 16, 1944) 18. J. E. Wills, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics Extension ( E ) (See Smith-Lever fund) G21 (Rockefeller Foundation F a r m W o r k s Simplification Studies) G79 (Total salary) 19. E. H . Regnier, Assistant Professor, Rural Sociology E x tension ( E ) (See Smith-Lever fund) _ B 20. L. F . Stice, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics Extension ( E ) (See Smith-Lever fund) D 21. R. J. Mutti, Associate, Fruit and Vegetable Marketing ( S ) (See Purnell fund) D 22. , Associate, Agricultural Economics Extension ( E ) (See Smith-Lever fund) D 23. R. A. Kelly, Associate ( S ) D 24. B. D. Parrish, Associate ( S ) (See Bankhead-Jones fund) D 3 850 (650) (4 Soo) 3 7oo (900) (4 600) 3 250 (540) (750) (4 54o) 2 700 (1 500) (4200) I 800 (700) (1 700) (4 200) 1600 (2 300) (3 9°o) (4 000) (1800) (900) (900) (3 600) (3600) (800) (3 000) (3 800) (3 200) (3 000) (3 000) (2 300) 2 800 (2 4°°)
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