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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
622 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ A u g U S t 31 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Summary College Salaries Other Administration: <™& Wages Expense Total General $19 540 $\ 590 S24 130 Aids to Vocational Agriculture Teachers 8 300 1 700 10 000 Agricultural Economics 21 740 430 22 170 Agricultural Engineering 17 189 1 175 18 364 Agronomy 31 054 1 850 32 904 Animal Husbandry 48 767 23 965 72 732 Animal Pathology and Hygiene 5 420 950 6 370 Dairy Husbandry 45 490 37 087 82 577 Forestry 5 550 1 340 6 890 Home Economics 61 711 10 446 72 157 Horticulture 54 436 7 295 61 731 Total (319 197) (90 828) (410 025) Organized Activities relating to College (self-supporting): Dairy Creamery 21 740 99 460 121 200 Home Economics Cafeteria 2 600 6 300 8 900 Total (24 340) (105 760) (130 100) Total, College (343 537) (196588) (540125) Station Administration: General 27155 7 175 34 330 Dixon Springs 15 950 29 360 45 310 Agricultural Economics 31 230 4 045 35 275 Agricultural Engineering 14 811 1 250 16 061 Agronomy 108 671 29 000 137 671 Animal Husbandry 73 336 63 865 137 201 Animal Pathology and Hygiene 16 220 10 475 26 695 Dairy Husbandry 46 675 16 583 63 258 Horticulture 71 190 12 024 83 214 Total...... _ _... (405238) (173 777) (579 015) Organized Activities relating to Station (self-supporting): Agricultural Research Revolving Fund 300 300 Farm Account Revolving Fund 8 500 1 200 9 700 Corn Testing Revolving Fund 1 200 487 1 687 Soil Testing Revolving Fund 1 500 250 1 750 Official Test Revolving Fund 6 520 2 350 8 870 Total, Revolving Funds (17 720) (4 587) (22 307) Hatch Fund 15 000 15 000Adams Fund 15 000 15 ooo2 1 Purnell Fund 48 535 11 465 60 ooo2 Bankhead-Jones Fund 64 490 1 22 247 86 7372 Total (143025) (33 712) (176 737) Total, Station (565 983) (212 076) (778 059) Extension Smith-Lever Fund (includes BankheadJones Fund) 423 1551 108 014 531 1692 Capper-Ketcham Fund 36 400 1 1 783 38 183' Additional Cooperative Fund 10 737 10 737* State Farm and Home Advisers 178 500 178 500 1 Federal Emergency F a r m Labor 86 ooo 64 000 150 ooo2 Illinois Farmers' Institute 12 350 1 7 650 20 000 State Extension Funds 15 390 1 9 610 25 000 Extension Revolving Fund 2 000 16 000 18 000 Total, Extension (753 795) (217 794) (971 5^9) Grand Total, Appropriations $1 663 315 $626 458 $2 289 773 'Unused balances may be transferred to expense and equipment by the Director. 2 Subject to receipt of the entire amount from the United States Government.
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