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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

6io BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 31 Other Expendable Gift and E n d o w m e n t Funds (Concluded) and Wages Expense Research: Copper and Brass Research Association—joints 4 000 in copper plates Enameled Utensil Manufacturers Council— 600 enamel standards 3 600 Griffin Wheel Company—chilled wheel endurance tests 250 750 I.B.R.—steam and hot water heating 6 200 1 800 6 000 2 000 I.B.R.—heating and ventilation 6 700 Illinois Clay Products—bonding clay properties National Warm Air Heating and Air Condi500 6 000 tioning Association—furnaces Office of Scientific Research and Develop6 060 ment—No. 241 Office of Scientific Research and Develop6 400 ment—No. 318 Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company— steel brake shoes 625 U. S. Bureau of Public Roads and State of Illinois Division of Highways—concrete 2 000 13 000 slabs Utilities Research Committee—lead sheath 4 000 materials Utilities Research Committee—solubility of 2 000 6 500 boiler waters 4 665 Estimated new projects and renewals 4 450 Total, Expendable Gift and Endowment Si 15 000 #30 000 Funds , ,,, Administration c 1 . Salaries ana Wages 1. M. L. Enger, Professor of Mechanics and H y d r a u l i c s . . . . Dean of College of Engineering and Director of Engineering Experiment Station (C&S) 2. H . H . Jordan, Associate Dean (C) (See General Engineering Drawing) (Total salary) 3- M. K. Fahnestock, Assistant Director of Engineering E x periment Station (See Mechanical Engineering) (Total salary) 4. M. R. Riddell, Assistant to the Director of the Engineering Experiment Station ( S ) (See Mechanical Engineering) (Total salary) 5. E. F . Heater, Research Assistant Professor ( S ) 6. Marie Huber, Chief Clerk (C&S) (C.S.) 7. Mary Gardiner, Junior Clerk-Stenographer ( C ) ( C . S . ) . . 8. Mrs. Helen W . Henry, Assistant Clerk-Stenographer ( S ) (C.S.) o. , Junior Clerk (C) (C.S.) 10. • , Assistant Clerk-Stenographer (C) (C.S.) 11. , Junior Clerk-Stenographer ( C ) (C.S.) . . 12. , Assistant Clerk-Stenographer ( C ) (C.S.) Total, Salaries.. 13. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages. Salaries Total 4 000 4 200 1 8 8 6 000 000 000 700 6 500 6 060 6 400 625 15 000 4 000 8 500 9 "5 ? i 4 5 000 A B D33 A67 B50 A50 B75 A25 D D D D D D D D50 H 8 750 2 500 (5 000) (7 500) 2 700 (2 700) (5 400) 3 100 (000) (4 000) 3 150 2 750 1 650 200 320 200 320 480 (30 120) 1 400 (31 520) 1 1 1 1
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