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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
58 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 29 APPOINTMENT O F SECRETARY PRO TEMPORE M r . D a v i s offered t h e following resolution: Be it resolved, that in the absence of H . E . Cunningham, Secretary of the Board of Trustees and Clerk of the Executive Committee, A. J. Janata, Assistant to the President, be and he is hereby appointed Secretary of the Board of Trustees, pro tempore, and Acting Clerk of the Executive Committee, to serve until Mr. Cunningham returns and is available for the performance of t h e duties of said office; and Be it further resolved, that the said A. J. Janata is authorized to perform all acts incidental to the duties and responsibilities of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees and Clerk of the Executive Committee. This resolution w a s adopted by t h e Board. MINUTES APPROVED T h e S e c r e t a r y Pro Tempore p r e s e n t e d t h e m i n u t e s of t h e m e e t i n g s of J u n e 2 0 a n d J u l y 25, 1942. O n m o t i o n of M r . C l e a r y , t h e m i n u t e s of J u n e 2 0 , 1 9 4 2 , w e r e a p p r o v e d as p r i n t e d o n pages 907-1120, * a n d t h e m i n u t e s of J u l y 2 5 , 1942, w e r e a p p r o v e d a s p r i n t e d o n p a g e s 1-56. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT WILLARD T h e Board considered the following matters presented b y the President of t h e U n i v e r s i t y . AWARD O F C. P. A. CERTIFICATES (1) A recommendation that the following candidates, who have been certified by the Board of Examiners in Accountancy as having passed the C. P . A. examination in May, 1942, be awarded the certificate of Certified Public Accountant. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, t h e a w a r d of these certificates w a s authorized. ROBERT ELLSWORTH ABBE, Chicago ARNOLD NORMAN AELON, Evanston HERBERT GRAHAM ALLSHOUSE, Chicago HAROLD E L I A S AMSLER, Chicago ROBERT H E R Z L FRIEDLAENDER, Chicago DAVID F R U M K I N , Chicago ROSCOE N E A L F U L K , Chicago WALLACE FRANKLIN GETZ, Bartonville JOSEPH JEROME GLASSNER, Chicago LEONARD IRVING GOODMAN, Chicago T H O M A S E D W I N GRAVES, Glen Ellyn W I L L I A M GROSSBERG, Chicago J A C K COOKMAN H A N D , Chicago CLAUS EDWARD HOGLUND, Chicago SOL AUERBACH, Chicago CHARLES TRIPPLETT BAKER, Chicago W I L L I A M WATSON BAKER, J R . , Oak P a r k RICHARD CASRIL BARNARD, Winnetka J U L I U S JOE BIERY, Chicago CHARLES KAMMERER BROWN, Chicago ROLAND BUTOW, Chicago HAROLD CHRISTOPHER CARLSTEAD, LEO KAPLAN, Chicago ROBERT EARL KOEHLER, Naperville THEODORE KOLODNY, Chicago HAKOLD EDWARD K U E H L , Chicago JACOB K U H N E R , Chicago K E N N E T H EUGENE LEBL, Chicago Cincinnati, Ohio DOROTHY M A Y COLTON, Rockford T H O M A S GORDON CONAGHAN, Chicago DAVID COUSTAN, Chicago GEORGE COLEMAN CUMMINGS, Chicago REUBEN D E I T Z , Chicago ROBERT IRVINE DICKEY, U r b a n a P H I L I P W E I N R E B F I S H E L , Glencoe RICHARD PETER FONTAINE, Chicago F R A N K IVER FORSS, Chicago ELLIOTT EUGENE FOSTER, Chicago P A U L L. FRETER, Chicago RAYMOND M A T T H E W FREY, Chicago E L Y LIONHEART, Chicago W I L L I A M ALBERT LORENZ, Chicago CHARLES FREDRIC MARQUIS, Chicago W I L L I A M J A M E S M I L L E N , Chicago H Y M A N NICKOW, Chicago MILTON CARL N I N N E M A N N , Chicago J O H N JOSEPH O'TOOLE, Chicago CARL E I N A R PEARSON, Chicago F R A N K ALFRED PETER, Chicago RUSSELL V. P U Z E Y , Chicago 'See page 72 for correction ordered in Minutes of June 20, 1942, page 933.
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