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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i943l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Expendable Gift and E n d o w m e n t Funds 58l Other and Wages Expense Total Instruction (Endowment income): $ 250 ? 250 Edmund James lectures on government Special Research (Gift funds): $ 600 600 American Medical Association assistantship Chemistry assistantships: Aeration Processes, Incorporated 750 750 325 Ohio Oil Company 325 240 240 S.M.A. Corporation Chemistry fellowships: 1 500 1 500 Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation I OOO I OOO Eastman Kodak Company Eli Lilly and Company 750 750 Wm. S. Merrell Company 2 OOO 2 OOO Coca-Cola Company—citral 680 680 Continental Oil Company—lubrication 750 750 2 5O0 500 Koppers Company—insecticides 3 000 National Lead Company—properties of soybean I OOO I OOO oil National Lime Association—X-ray studies of lime 660 660 Nutrition Foundation, Incorporated: 12 OOO 7 000 Amino requirements of man 5 000 2 4OO 1 900 Calcium utilization by adult man 500 14 000 9 000 Rockefeller Foundation—amino acids 5 000 Texas Gulf Sulphur Company—combustion of I 500 I 500 sulphur Estimated new projects and renewals 1 750 6 595 4 845 Total, Special Research (35 000) (14 75o) (49 75o) Total, Expendable Gift and Endowment #35 000 #15 000 ?5o 000 Funds Salaries and Wages Administration 1. M. T. McClure, Dean Professor of Philosophy 2. M. T. Herrick, Associate Dean in charge of Division of General Studies Associate Professor of English (Salary under Division of General Studies) 3. H. S. Dawson, Assistant Dean (On leave without pay, 1943-1944, for military service) 4. G. E. Moore, Assistant Dean Associate Professor of Mathematics (Vice Dawson on leave without pay) 5. Lucille N. Ellis, Secretary (C.S.) 6. Antoinette Lococo, Principal Clerk (C.S.) 7. Mrs. Mae Kirk, Junior Clerk-Stenographer (C.S.) 8. —, Assistant Record Clerk (C.S.) Total, Salaries 9. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Travel Contingent , Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Administration B A B A D D A D D D D H (5 000) 4 500 2 2 I I IOO OOO 320 020 Salaries $ 8 75° (19 690) I IOO (20 790) I 285 200 6 145 (7 630) $ 28 420
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