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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
560 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [August 31 SUMMARY OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FOR SALARIES AND WAGES AND FOR OTHER EXPENSE Educational and General Salaries Other General Administrative Offices and General and Wages Expense Total Expense £784 980 £343 718 $1 128 698 Instruction and Departmental Research: Colleges, Schools, and Departments: Liberal Arts and Sciences 1 194 179 112 844 I 307 023 Journalism 33 625 4 200 37 825 Commerce and Business Administration 161 720 4 500 166 220 Education 182 520 12 300 194 820 Engineering 532 299 55 800 588 099 Agriculture 319 197 90 828 .410 025 Library School 31 840 2 000 33 840 Law 72 420 4 700 77 120 Fine and Applied Arts 211 405 9 275 220 680 Graduate School 57 310 1 400 58 710 Physical Education 144 635 28 455 173 090 Military 13 200 4 100 17 300 Military Bands 14 127 7 300 21 427 Summer Semester 324 005 3 200 327 205 Medicine 578 641 140 310 718 951 Dentistry 169 515 44 275 213 790 Pharmacy 102 100 18 400 120 500 School of Nursing 25 000 25 000 Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary 82 300 500 82 800 University Extension 25 436 25 825 51 261 Total, Colleges, Schools, and Depts... (4 250 474) (595 212) (4 845 686) Organized Activities Relating to Instructional Departments: Agriculture 24 340 105 760 130 100 Research and Educational Hospitals. . 442 146 200 055 642 201 Services for Crippled Children 100 000 172 500 272 500 Total, Organized Activities (566 486) (478 315) (1 044 8or) Total, Instruction and Dept. Research (4 816 960) (1 073 527) (5 890 487) Organized Research: Bureau of Economic and Business Research 18 445 3 500 2r 945 Bureau of Educational Research 9 330 350 9 680 Engineering Experiment Station 125 834 20 700 146 534 Agricultural Experiment Station 565 983 212 076 778 059 Graduate School 15 000 36 000 51 000 Total, Organized Research (734 592) (272 626) (1 007 218) Extension (non-instructional): Agricultural 753 795 217794 97J589 Fine and Applied Arts 3 600 1 000 4 600 Total, Extension (757 395) (218 794) (976 189) Libraries 331 290 153 000 484 290 Physical Plant: Operation and Maintenance 1 o n 016 281 642 1 292 658 Debt Service and Other Special I t e m s . . . 43 850 131 934 175 784 Total, Physical Plant (1 054 866) (413 576) (1 468 442) Sub-Total (8 480 083) (2 475 241) (10 955 324) Endowment Income and Gift Funds for Educational Purposes 222 100 60 220 282 320 Total, Educational and General (8 702 183) (2 535 461) (11 237 644) Auxiliary Enterprises 316 268 805 837 1 122 105 Endowment Income and Gift Funds for NonEducational Purposes 31 000 7 600 38 600 Government Programs 500 000 150 000 650 000 Grand Total, Appropriations $9 549 451 $3 498 898 S13 048 349
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