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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 539 ARTHUR AUBURN SAMFORD, B.Ed., Southern Illinois Normal University, 1941 CLAUDE H . SIMPSON, B.Ed., Southern Illinois Normal University, 1941 SISTER VINCENT DE P A U L HUGUET, A.B., University of Notre Dame, 1933 VIOLA A N N STEINLICHT, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1940 HELEN WILHELM TAYLOR, B.Ed., Southern Illinois Normal University, 1939 RUTH ELBERTA WALLIS, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1941 LYNN ARNOLD W I L E Y , A.B., Carthage College, 1938 ROBERT BENNER ZIMMERMAN, A.B., Central Wesleyan College, 1925 In English EMILY A N N COFFMAN, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1937 ELEANOR MADGE ISEMINGER, A.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1925 GLADYS ELLA G A I N E S MOORE, A.B., 1940 BETTY PEARL PERROTTET, A.B., Shurtleff College, 1942 ANNA LOUISE ISHERWOOD REED, B.Ed., Southern Illinois Normal University, 1935 CARL JOSEPH STRATMAN, A.B., De P a u l University, 1040 BERNADINE ETTALEA WADE, B.Ed., Eastern Illinois State Teachers College, 1938 MARGARET H E L E N YERASAVICH, A.B., 1941 In History JOSEPHINE LOUISE HARPER, A.B., Rockford College, 1042 DOROTHY LOUISE W I L S O N , A.B., E u r e k a College, 1931 In Library SISTER MARY JOSE ERNST, Science of Chicago, 1922; A.B.(Lib.), DENA JULIA POLACHECK EPSTEIN, A.B., University of Chicago, 1937; B.S.(Lib.), 1939 Ph.B., University Rosary College, 1938 MARJORIE STAFFORD, A.B., University of Oklahoma, 1925; B.S.(Lib.), Columbia University, 1940 In Mathematics SADIE CATHERINE GASAWAY, B.S., Lemoyne College, 1933 In Political JAMES ALBERT TOMLINSON, B.S., 1935 Science In Psychology JOSEPH MCELROY R I C H , A.B., D a r t m o u t h College, 1941 LEONARD BARNARD SCHNEIDER, A.B., 1942 Degree of Master of Science In Agricultural Economics HILDRED GEORGE B U N C H , B.S., University of A r k a n s a s , 1042 GEOFFREY P H I L I P COLLINS, B.S.A., Ontario Agricultural College, 1928 In GRACE WILSON, B.S., 1931 Architecture In Botany ELLEN S U E BRETSNYDER, B.S., 1938 LOUISE MARTHA O ' D E L L , B.Ed., Southern Illinois Normal University, 1934 In Business Organisation and Operation SISTER MARY AGNESENE WISDOM, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1937 In WAYNE CORWIN BUTLER, B.S., 1941 Education ORSON H I N M A N CROXTON, B.Ed., Western Illinois State Teachers College, 1921 JOHN RICHARD DAVIDSON, B.S., 1938 LUCILLE ELIZABETH GRUBB, A.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1935 DONALD ADELBERT HOFER, A.B., N o r t h Central College, 1939
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