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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

514 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ A u g u s t 31 Provision for these expenditures has not been made in the Operating Budget for 1943-1044 as they are all special items. T h e requests for these appropriations have been considered by the standing committee on Special Appropriations and Non-Recurring Expenditures, which recommends that funds be made available as indicated. Reports from the Committee, presenting in detail the needs for these appropriations, are submitted herewith. On motion of Mr. Jensen, these appropriations were made as recommended by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Jensen, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McKelvey, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Nickell; no, none; absent, Mr. Green, Mr. Karraker, Dr. Luken. PROPOSED APPROPRIATIONS FOR U N I O N BUILDINGS (30) T h e Director of the Physical Plant, the Executive Dean of the Chicago Colleges, and the Comptroller have recommended that in lieu of the present arrangements for voluntary payment of the Illini Union Building and Chicago Union Building service charge by the members of the staff and assumption of such payments for members of the two University Clubs at Urbana by the Board of Trustees, the University assume the payment of the building service charges for all members of the staff on appointment, beginning with the Fall Semester, 1043 (Fall Quarter in Chicago), of $12.50 in Urbana and $14 in Chicago for salaried staff members and $7 for non-salaried staff members. A detailed report from the Comptroller, including a report of the Committee of the Illini Union Board, is submitted. I concur in this recommendation and request its approval. I also recommend that the allowances to the Union for the use of space in the building for University functions and offices be increased from $2,750 to $6,200. These changes will involve a total increased appropriation of $24,418 a year, which increase is included in the internal budget separately presented. T h e financial situation of the Union Buildings is such that increased financial aid from the University appears essential, at least during the war period. The proposed plan puts this aid on a sound principle of service rather than merely on a subsidy or underwriting of deficits. For that reason, it appears to me the most desirable. The Comptroller presented this item. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this appropriation was made as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Jensen, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McKelvey, Dr. Meyer; no, Mr. Nickell; absent, Mr. Green, Mr. Karraker, Dr. Luken. Mr. Nickell explained his vote by saying that he thought it was unfair because the Union Building was supposed to be self-supporting and because it competes with private business. EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF F O O D PRODUCTS (31) T h e Purchasing Agent has called attention to the problem of food purchases in the Illini Union Building arising in part out of present market conditions and in part out of the increased volume due to messing service for Government trainees. While the problem at this time is confined to the Illini Union Building, later on in the year it will also be present in the messing program at the Skating Rink. The Purchasing Agent requests authority to consummate purchases of this kind in excess of $1,000 without the necessity of securing advance approval of each transaction. T h e Comptroller requests approval of this recommendation, and I concur. On motion of Mr. Nickell, this recommendation was approved. COAL CONTRACTS FOR URBANA DEPARTMENTS (32) Bids were recently invited by the Purchasing Agent on a supply of raw screenings for current consumption in the Urbana Power Plant to cover needs until November 1, 1043, and for a supply of washed screenings to be placed in
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