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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

488 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PURCHASE OF LAND FOR AIRPORT [August 30 The Board considered the purchase of land as a site for the University airport. During the discussion of this matter, Mr. N. C. Farr was present; also, during part of the time, Mr, Amos H. Watts, of Chapman and Cutler. Mr. Farr reported progress in the negotiations for the purchase of land, and stated that the requirements of the state and federal authorities had been extended to a minimum of 840 acres, instead of 640 as originally contemplated. Two sets of appraisals have been made: one by Messrs. Edward H. Frison, Ora Weatherford, and Peter Auten, of Champaign County, and one by Messrs. Walter W. McLaughlin and Everett J. McConnell, of Decatur. Four owners (Messrs. Burt, Fisher, Howard, and Koss) are represented by John Armstrong. Offers have been made by Mr. Farr totalling $216,500 for 700 acres, and negotiations have come to the point where if the offered prices of $325 an acre for improved and $275 for unimproved land are not accepted, the University should exercise the right of eminent domain. This matter was discussed fully. On motion of Dr. Meyer, the negotiator was authorized to make offers as recommended, with a time limit of ten days for acceptance. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY FROM MRS. ALICE N . KIMMEL A t t h i s p o i n t , t h e P r e s i d e n t of t h e U n i v e r s i t y p r e s e n t e d t h e f o l l o w i n g statement: The Board of Trustees on July 28 confirmed the action of Mr. Newton C. F a r r as Attorney in fact for the Board of Trustees in executing a contract on July 15 with Mrs. Alice N. Kimmel of DuQuoin for the purchase of her farm in the area then under consideration as a site for the University of Illinois airport. T h e contract is as follows: The first party agrees to buy, and the second party agrees to sell, the following described real property situated in Champaign County, State of Illinois, to-wit: T h e Northeast Quarter of Section T w o ( 2 ) , Township Eighteen (18) North, Range Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, containing 169.29 acres, for the consideration of $300.00 per acre and a total purchase price of $50,787.00. The second party shall retain the crops for the year 1943 and agrees to deliver possession of the land as soon as the crops are removed and the tenant has surrendered possession. T h e second party further agrees that the first party may go on the premises above described for the purpose of making engineering surveys and inspection, but without damage to crops, subject to the rights of the tenant. T h e first party agrees that the second party may remove all fences not needed for the University Airport, and all farm buildings, with the exception of the house, as soon as the tenant has surrendered possession. It is agreed that the second party shall pay the real estate taxes assessed and levied for the year 1943 and payable in 1944, and furnish the first party with merchantable title to the premises. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have signed and sealed, and delivered this instrument on the day and date first above written. NEWTON C. FARR Attorney in Fact for the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, First Party ALICE N . KIMMEL, Second Party
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