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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

486 BOARD OF TRUSTEES vouchers certified in the manner required for University of Illinois vouchers, with itemized receipted bills attached covering payments made from the working cash fund hereby created. Provided, further, that the University of Illinois may retain in its own treasury, out of its own receipts and collections, such a sum not exceeding in the aggregate annually one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), as may be necessary in the performance of any contract or undertaking with the United States in connection with any grant, advance, loan or contract for the erection of a building or buildings under House Joint Resolution 117, making appropriations for relief purposes, approved by the President April 8, 1935, and pursuant to authorization given the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois by the General Assembly of this State, to enter into contracts with the United States for such purposes. Provided, further, that the university may retain in its treasury, any funds derived from rentals, service charges and laboratory and building service charges, or other sources, assessed or obtained for or arising out of the operation of any building or buildings and pledged to discharge obligations created in order to complete or operate such building, or for the payment of revenue bonds issued under the provisions of " A n Act to authorize the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to provide for t h e payment and termination of any trust created by and between the Board of Trustees and any person or corporation pursuant to any law involving any building used by said University for student social activities or educational purposes, or for the acquiring or re-acquiring of property or interest in property used by said University for student social activities or educational purposes and conveyed in connection with the creation of such trust by said Board of Trustees pursuant to any existing law, levy and collect service charges, rates or rentals for the use thereof, to complete the construction of or equip any such buildings, defining the duties of said Board with respect to operation and maintenance and construction thereof, and providing for and authorizing the issue of bonds to defray the cost thereof payable solely from the revenues derived from the operation of any such building or buildings and for the refunding of any such bonds," approved May 27, 1941, passed by the Sixty-second General Assembly of the State of Illinois, to be disbursed from time to time pursuant to the order and direction of the Board of Trustees of such University, and in accordance with any contracts, pledges, trusts or agreements heretofore or hereafter made by said Board of Trustees. Approved July 22, 1943 H U G H W . CROSS DWIGHT H . GREEN, Governor President ELMER J. of the Senate of the House SCHNACKENEERG Speaker
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