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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

476 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 28 tures for the current year duly verified by the secretary of such fair or agricultural society. Agricultural Extension and H o m e Economics Clubs or " 4 - H " clubs operating and carried on under the supervision of county agricultural extension agents and Home Bureau advisors in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture of the State of Illinois or the United States Department of Agriculture shall participate, in an appropriation from the fund known as the "Agricultural Premium Fund," provided that such clubs conduct at least one show or exhibition of agricultural or home economics project work and promptly pay in cash the premiums awarded, however, the provisions of this Act shall not apply to more than one show or exhibition per calendar year of any one class of agricultural or home economics project work. Such clubs shall participate in the Agricultural Premium Fund upon the basis of the total amount of such premiums awarded, provided that such total amount does not exceed two dollars and twenty cents ($2.20) per member enrolled in agricultural projects and sixty cents (60(f) per member enrolled in home economics projects for the year as recorded in the State office in charge of such clubs and provided further that for any such clubs of one county the amount received for agricultural classes shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), and the amount received for home economics classes shall not exceed two hundred and forty dollars ($240). T h e County F a r m Advisor shall certify under oath, on a blank furnished by the Department of Agriculture, the amount paid out in premiums at such show or shows for the current year, and the name of the officer or organization making such payments, and the number of bona fide members enrolled for the current year with the State office in charge of the Agricultural Extension and Home Economics Clubs, such certification to be filed with the Department of Agriculture on or before December 31 of each year. Upon receipt of such certification the Department shall reimburse the officer or organization making such payments, in accordance with the provisions of this section. If the amount appropriated by the General Assembly for the payment of the said premiums is insufficient to pay in full the amount to which Agricultural Extension clubs are entitled, the sum shall be pro rated among all such clubs entitled thereto. Vocational Agriculture Section Fairs located, organized and conducted under the supervision of the State Supervisor of Agricultural Education in sections of the State designated for that purpose by such Supervisor not exceeding twenty such sections, shall participate in appropriations made from the "Agricultural Premium F u n d " to the extent of not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) for each such section holding a Vocational Agricultural Section Fair or Fairs during the current year, such sum to be paid as premiums awarded to vocational agricultural students exhibiting livestock or agricultural products at such fair or fairs in the section in which such student resides but no premium shall be duplicated for any particular exhibition of livestock or agricultural products in the Vocational Agriculture Section Fair or Fairs held in any one section. T h e State Supervisor of Agricultural Education shall certify under oath to the Department of Agriculture at least ten days prior to the holding of any such fair, a list of all premiums to be offered thereat and within thirty days after the close of such fair, such Supervisor shall certify, under oath on blanks furnished by such Department, to such Department, a financial statement showing all premiums awarded to vocational agricultural students at such fair and warrants shall be issued by the Auditor of Public Accounts payable from such special fund to the person entitled thereto on vouchers certified by the Department of Agriculture. (2) No appropriations made to any agricultural, livestock, scientific or benevolent society or agricultural extension club shall be used for the payment of the salary of any officer of such society. (3) T h e appropriations made to the University of Illinois for the payment of county agricultural advisors shall be distributed equally among the several county agricultural advisors of this State to apply upon the salaries of the county agricultural advisors and the appropriation made to the University of Illinois for the payment of county home advisors, shall be equally distributed
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