Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 455 In view of this situation the Illini Union Board has recommended a reduction in the Illini Union Building service charge from $5 to $3 a semester or term of sixteen weeks. This has been considered by the Faculty Committee on Fees and Scholarships which submits the following recommendations. 1. A reduction of the Illini Union Building service charge from $5 a semester to $3.50 a semester beginning with the fall term in October, 1943, and continuing as long as cafeteria services for civilian students are eliminated or restricted for their use by Army trainees. 2. A refund of 20 per cent of the service charge paid in the summer of 1943 be made to students enrolled in either the eight-week or the sixteen-week summer period, provided such refund is requested on or before August 15, 1943; and that announcement of this action be accompanied by a statement to the student body relating to the problems involved in financing the Illini Union Building and inviting their cooperation. T h e W a r and Navy Departments have urged that war and navy trainees at colleges and universities be asked by commanding officers to make use of student union building facilities. The commanding officers of the Army Specialized Training and the Navy V-12 units at the University of Illinois will invite all of their trainees to make use of the Illini Union Building and to pay the service charge. This, of course, will be on a voluntary basis. T h e Army program is organized on a twelve-week term basis, so that the term is only three-fourths as long as the sixteen-week semester or term for civilian students. Consequently the service charge paid by Army trainees should be reduced proportionately. The Navy program is on a sixteen-week basis, so that Navy trainees will be invited to use the Union Building and to pay the same service charge as civilian students. I concur in the recommendation of the Committee on Fees and Scholarships and recommend further that the Illini Union Building service charge for Army trainees be $2.50 a term. On motion of Mr. Jensen, these fees were authorized as recommended. REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE Mr. Davis, for the Finance Committee, reported as follows: On advice of investment counsel, the First National Bank of Chicago, the following securities were sold: $20,000 Kansas City Terminal, 1st 4's of i960, at the current price of 107. (Book value approximately 90.) On recommendation of the First National Bank of Chicago, the following purchases were authorized to cover above receipts and additional funds as they become available; $20,000 Central Power & Light, 1st 3^4's of 1969 at about 107J4; $20,000 West Texas Utilities, 1st 3%'s of 1969 at about 10754. O. M. KASRAKEE, Chairman CHESTER R. DAVIS F R A N K H . MCKELVEY On motion of Mr. Davis, these changes in investments were approved. EXECUTIVE SESSION At this point, the Executive Committee went into executive session. INSURANCE OF PERSONS ON LEAVE FOR WAR SERVICE Mr. Davis presented a letter to the President of the University from Colonel W. B. Hayes: President A. C. Willard University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois MY DEAR PRESIDENT W I L L A R D : 7 July 1943 I received in the mail this morning a letter signed by yourself, apparently sent to all faculty members now on duty in the military service relative to the