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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

442 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 28 endowment fund, to be known as the FLORENCE POTTER HANKENSON SCHOLARSHIP, said trustees being hereby vested with such powers as may be necessary to invest and reinvest the proceeds thereof as said trustees may deem advisable. T h e income thereon shall be accumulated by the trustees and added to the principal of said trust for a period of ten (10) years from and after the date of the receipt of said sum of money by them. At the end of said ten (10) year period the entire income therefrom shall be used towards the payment of a scholarship in the University of Illinois, said scholarship to be awarded to the student, who at the time of his or her graduation, stands the highest in his or her various classes in the Sterling High School, located at Sterling, Illinois. Said student, however, must be White and a Protestant. If such student does not care to enter the University of Illinois at the time of the opening of the next term or semester of the said University, then said Scholarship shall be offered in order to the next student with references to their standing in classes at the High School. As soon as the student receiving such scholarship shall graduate from said University or shall cease to attend the classes at the University, then another student from the same High School, fulfilling the above requirements, shall be given the scholarship." T h e University will not receive this bequest during the lifetime of certain other beneficiaries. It therefore appears that several years may elapse before this gift becomes operative. N o action is needed at this time and this report is being made simply for record. T h i s r e p o r t w a s r e c e i v e d f o r r e c o r d , a n d t h e P r e s i d e n t of t h e U n i v e r s i t y w a s i n s t r u c t e d t o s e c u r e a c o p y of t h e will, w i t h i n v e n t o r y of t h e a s s e t s of t h e d e c e d e n t , a n d t o r e q u e s t t h e e x e c u t o r s of t h e e s t a t e to r e p o r t a n n u a l l y o n t h e c o n d i t i o n of t h e e s t a t e , i n o r d e r t o p r o t e c t t h e i n t e r e s t of t h e U n i v e r s i t y . NAMING O F C A M P U S AREA FOR MR. ROBERT F. CARR (11) A recommendation has been received from an alumnus of the University that the two rows of elm trees between the Union Building and the Auditorium which were presented to the University twenty-five years ago by Mr. Robert F. Carr of the Class of 1893, then a member of the Board of Trustees of the University, be named "Robert F . Carr Lane" or "Robert F. Carr Avenue." This would be a fitting recognition of Mr. Carr's generosity and his continued interest, support, and loyalty through the years. I concur in this recommendation, but in as much as the matter of naming University buildings and campus areas has been assigned to the Committee on General Policy, it would seem appropriate to refer this proposal to that committee. T h i s m a t t e r w a s r e f e r r e d t o t h e C o m m i t t e e o n G e n e r a l P o l i c y for recommendation. USE O F W O M E N ' S SWIMMING POOL BY ARMY AND NAVY TRAINEES (12) At the meeting of the Board on April 22, 1942 (Minutes, page 851), there was submitted a recommendation 1 that the Board authorize the use of the Woman's Building, including the swimming pool, for the program of Physical Education for Men, to offset the loss of facilities in the Men's Old Gymnasium (including the swimming pool in that building), the Gymnasium Annex, and the Engine Annex on the north campus which were turned over to the United States Navy beginning May 1, 1942. This recommendation was not approved by the Board. T h e establishment of the Army and Navy specialized training programs, which will include instruction in swimming, makes it necessary to request reconsideration of this action by the Board. T h e Director of the School of Physical Education has proposed that the swimming pool in the Woman's Building be made available to the Department of Physical Education for Men part ^ h e previous recommendation called for the use of the gymnasium facilities in the Woman's Building as well, but only the use of the swimming pool is now being requested.
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