Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
44o BOAKD OF TRUSTEES [July 28 within the limits of the special appropriation made for the biennium 1941-1943. These additions are as follows: All work required to bring services to points adjacent to new refrigeration machinery $ 1 242 00 Refinish 300 doors, replace 18 doors, two door frames, provide 100 new door stops, and check hardware 3 924 65 Remodel and refinish 70 benches 3 125 00 Provide services and make connections to new flatwork ironer, including all outlets, sheet metal work, steam connections, pipe covering, etc 1 200 00 Minor additions and changes ( n e t ) 2 667 00 Total additions $12 158 65 New total of contract $98 971 62 Fixed bids have been received on all proposed additions which have been checked by the Physical Plant Department and the bids approved. T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department recommends and the Comptroller requests authority to increase this contract by the amount stated. Because it was necessary to encumber these funds as of June 30, the additions were approved by the Comptroller contingent on the approval of the Board of Trustees. I concur in this recommendation. The Comptroller presented this matter. On motion of Mr. Jensen, the action of the Comptroller in approving these additions was approved and confirmed. APPOINTMENTS TO ADVISORY COMMITTEES I N THE COLLEGE OF COMMERCE A N D BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (9) T h e Acting Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration recommends t h e following appointments to the Advisory Committees of that College for t w o years beginning July 1, 1943. Accountancy H I R A M T . SCOVILL, Faculty GEORGE P . E L L I S , Chicago OTTO GRESSENS, Chicago Adviser D R . WALTER LICHTENSTEIN, Chicago S. NIRDLINGER, Galesburg H . C. H A W E S , Chicago C. E. JARCHOW, Chicago WALTER M. LECLEAR, Chicago HERBERT T . M C A N L Y , Chicago „. JAC0B c F R A N K C. R A T H J E , Chicago CHARLES R. REARDON, Joliet F - SCHMIDT, Waterloo . Faculty J ? ™ J f SIECKMANN, Quincy - S. YOUNG, Chicago . . „ . „ . and Trade ClVic E. B. M C G U I N N , Chicago RUSSELL H . MORRISON, Chicago Organizations CHARLES M. THOMPSON, ARTHUR PERROW, Chicago Advertising FREDERIC A. RUSSELL, Faculty Adviser EDWARD C. HEIDRICH, J R . , Peoria ROBERT B. IRWIN, Springfield CHARLES J. KELLEM, Joliet Adviser J. C. ASPLEY, Chicago R. B. BARTON, Chicago T . R. BAUERLE, Chicago W A L T H E R BUCHEN, Chicago JOSEPH T . MEEK, Chicago CLARENCE R. M I L E S , Chicago GEORGE W . ROSSETTER, Chicago HOWARD N . YATES, A u r o r a . HOMER J. BUCKLEY, Chicago G. D . CRAIN, JR., Chicago GEORGE HARTFORD, Chicago HOWARD H . M O N K , R o c k f o r d Foreign Trade Adviser SIMON LITMAN, Faculty E. M. BAILEY, Decatur C. C. COLDREN, Chicago T. E. HARRIS, Chicago Banking FREDERIC E. L E E , Faculty Adviser HARRY A. BRINKMAN, Chicago F R A N K R. CURD A, Chicago p . L. MARSHALL, Chicago HARRY SALINGER, Chicago V. D. SEAMAN, Chicago C. M. W Y N N E , Chicago