Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 407 a proper man to head u p t h e business management of t h e University, and to study the organization recommended by the report of Booz, Fry, Allen, and Hamilton. OFFICE OF UNIVERSITY C O U N S E L Mr. Jensen offered a motion that the present organization of the office of University Counsel be discontinued, a n d that t h e President of t h e University be requested to present a recommendation on t h e proper procedure looking to the reorganization and subordination of t h e functions of this office in t h e administration of the University, with the suggestion that consideration be given to the possibilities of employing outside counsel, an attorney in the business organization, professors in the College of Law, or a combination of these methods. After discussion, this motion was adopted, by t h e following vote: Aye, M r . Davis, M r . Fornof, M r s . Grigsby, M r . Jensen, M r . K a r r a k e r , Mr. Livingston, M r . McKelvey, M r . Nickell; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Green, D r . Luken, D r . Meyer. SALE OF ROSELAWN CEMETERY LOTS The Secretary presented t h e following report of t h e sale of lots in Roselawn Cemetery since t h e last report of such sales. , Date Description Purchaser Price May 4, 1943 WJ^ Lot 142 Section G Frederick C. Lohmann #210 May 5, 1943 NEJ4 Lot 154 Section G F.C.Pratt 105 May 12, 1943 SWJi Lot 146 Section G MacPherson Thompson 105 April 26, 1943 SWJ4 Lot 154 Section G Harry A. Little and ro5 Marjorie H. Little May 27, 1943 NEJ4 Lot 151 Section G William C. Casad 105 GRADUATE SCHOLARS A N D FELLOWS The Secretary presented also for record the following list of graduate scholars a n d fellows appointed by t h e President of t h e University on the dates indicated in each case. Urbana Departments Terms of Scholarship Fellowship Chemistry IQ43-IQ44* Stipend Stipend MRS. MARION L. DICKMAN (Coca-Cola Fellowship) (5-25-43) MILDRED C. REBSTOCK (5-25-43) S.F. F.W. S.F.W. F.W. S. F.W. F.W. F.W. F.W. F.W. S.F. #175 00 350 00 350 00 368o 00 575 00 862 50 575 00 Economics MRS. MARIAN R. MEINKOTH (5-25-43)... French MARGARET L. BERG (5-25-43) Mathematics PAUL E. LERRET (6-1-43) Mechanical Engineering JOHN W. RAYMOND (5-25-43) Physics WILLIAM G. STROUD, JR. (6-1-43) Political Science ALICE E. EGNER (5-25-43) 575 00 575 00 575 00 700 00 Psychology MARY BEATON (5-25-43) Zoology GERTRUDE THERESE RAFFERTY (5-25-43).. MRS. VIVIAN S. SMITH (6-10-43) 'Terms of the year for Urbana departments are abbreviated as follows: S.—Summer, four months beginning June 1, 1943. F.—Fall, four months beginning October 1, 1943. W.—Winter, four months beginning February 1, 1944.