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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1943] UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S 387 Salary University H i g h School 1. C. W . Sanford, Principal (Salary under Education) 2. W. E. Harnish, Teacher and Assistant Professor of Education (first 8 weeks) 3. M. C. Hartley, Teacher and Associate in Education (first 8 weeks) 4. Mrs. Mabel R. Hagan, Teacher and Instructor in Education (first 8 weeks) 5. S. H . Engle, Teacher and Instructor in Education (first 8 weeks) 6. M. R. Goodson, Teacher (J4 time, first 8 weeks) 7. Mrs. Frances D. Wilson, Teacher (first 8 w e e k s ) . . . . 8. V. A. Hines, Teacher (% time, first 8 weeks) 9. L. W . Higgs, Teacher (first 8 weeks) Zoology 1. C. G. Hartman, Professor and Head of Department (first 8 weeks) 2. H . J. VanCIeave, Professor (first 8 weeks) 3. F . B. Adamstone, Associate Professor (second 8 weeks) 4. B. V. Hall, Assistant Professor (first 8 weeks) 5. W. M. Luce, Assistant Professor (54 time, first 8 weeks) 6. Lester Ingle, Associate (second 8 weeks) 7. O. E. Kugler, Associate (y2 time, first 8 weeks) 8. H . B. Chase, Associate (second 8 weeks) 9. H . H . Shoemaker, Instructor (16 weeks) 10. C. J. Goodnight, Instructor (first 8 weeks) 11. Clara E. Hamilton, Assistant (z/> time, first 8 weeks) 12. , Assistant (yi time, first 8 w e e k s ) . . . . 13. H . C. Seibert, Assistant (yi time, 16 weeks) 14. N. A. Meinkoth, Assistant (yi time, second 8 w e e k s ) . . 15. , Assistant (yi time, second 8 w e e k s ) . . 16. George Svihla, Assistant (yi time, 16 weeks) Grand Total 533 33 383 33 350 00 450 00 166 66 316 66 211 n 300 00 2 711 09 goo 00 900 00 583 33 550 00 375 00 416 66 166 66 333 33 500 00 300 00 125 00 125 00 187 50 125 00 125 00 187 50 5 809 98 $235 271 21 Proposed Changes in Medical Center Commission (4) A statement concerning House Bill 766, containing changes in the Medical Center Commission and eliminating the representative of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on this Commission, is given to the Secretary of the Board for record. Attached are comments by the Comptroller and the University Counsel. No action was taken on this matter. Purchase of Land in Chicago Mr. Davis presented a letter from F a r r and Company recommending the acceptance of a contract for the purchase of the property at 1842 West Taylor Street, Chicago, for $8,500. This is the last of 18 parcels to be acquired in this block, and keeps the total within the amount appropriated ($125,000) by the General Assembly. On motion of Mr. Davis, this purchase was authorized, subject to the approval of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. 1 The Executive Committee adjourned. H. E. CUNNINGHAM, Clerk PARK LIVINGSTON, CHESTER R. DAVIS FRANK A. JENSEN Chairman J The Secretary, having received written approval from the Chairman and three members of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, notified the Comptroller on June 15 that the purchase could be made.
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