Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
358 I. BOARD OF TRUSTEES S U M M A R Y O F REVISIONS IN B U D G E T FOR [May 24 1943-1945 Operating Budget Original University Request Governor's Recommendations Additions t o Governor's Recommendations Deductions from Governor's Recommendations Supplementary Budget Total Operating Budget From General Revenue ? i 5 392 898 14 775 646 From University Income ?4 200 000 4 200 000 Total $19 592 898 18 975 646 714 248 —714 248 500 000 S19 475 646 714 248(a) — 214 248(b) —500 000 500 000 ? i 5 275 646(c) #4 200 000 Special Capital Items 500 000 Airport Buildings 500 000 443 000 Debt Retirement 443 °°o Total Special Capital Items $ 943 000 . ? 943 000 $4 200 000 $20 418 646 Grand Total #16 218 646 (a) Distributed as follows: Salary increases, $168,120; Wage increases, $173,616; Nonrecurring emergency items, $312,398; Undistributed, $60,114;—Total, $714,248. (b) Distributed as follows: Additional salary balances, $158,848; New programs, $55,400;—Total, $214,248. (c) Includes $320,262 from Federal funds. II. REVISED BUDGET FOR 1 9 4 3 - 1 9 4 5 Operating Budget Basic Budget: Personal Services Contractual Services Commodities Equipment Awards, Grants, and Contributions to Retirement System 270 550 Permanent Improvements 300 000 Refunds Total Basic Budget $15 275 646 Supplementary Budget: Personal Services Contractual Services Commodities Total Supplementary Budget... Total Operating Budget From From General University Revenue Income $11 642 056(a) $2 306 912 873 732 53 688 1 589 308 032 669 600 000 15 6 7io 20 4° 89 #3 700 000 519 502 000 Total $13 948 968 927 420 2 621 977 756 710 290 34° 89 #18 975 550 519 502 646(b) 300 000 50 000 150 000 ?I5 275 646 $ 500 000 #4 200 OOP $ 300 000 50 000 150 000 50P 000 S19 475 646 Special Capital Items Airport Buildings 500 000 500 000 Debt Retirement 443 000 443 oo° Total Special Capital Items $ 943 OPO $ 943 POO $4 200 000 ?20 418 646 Grand Total $16 218 646 (a) Includes $320,262 from Federal funds. (b) This total was recommended by the Governor in the State budget. I recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize the above changes in the University's budget for the biennium of 1043-1945 as indicated in these schedules. On request of President Willard, Mr. Morey presented this item. President Livingston commented on these proposals and requested Mr. Davis to report on the recent conferences with federal officials in Washington.